I killed two enemies and explored the bunker, I think that was all there was. I liked the look and the characters stand out in a good way. The locking on and shooting worked well. The control scheme is a bit strange, and yes I did read it. I personally would use wasd where a and d turn left and right and use q and e to strafe left and right with space to jump. It's just the most intuitive way to control a character using a keyboard, and you can have all the other keys be anything else. I'm curious to see where this goes!
Right now the suggested control scheme is to rebind to a controller, using input emulation software like Joy2Key. I'm glad you liked what you played, progress is already started for the next demo. AI will be working in that demo, along with 3 new maps.
This game is very clearly early in its development so don't take any of what I say too negatively, I'm just mentioning everything I noticed while playing the game.
I'm not sure if it's just on my system but I could only get the demo level to run and the main level wouldn't run at all (Game didn't crash but just gave a blue screen until I switched levels). The interact key made the player character run and would only stop running if I pressed the loadout or radar menu keys. Jumping also moved at run speed regardless if I was running or not. I suggest working on the menu because I was very confused and took me a while to figure it out. I still don't know how the loadout and radar menu works (Although I assume most of it is still WIP) this includes the main menu for example the game and system buttons on the top, where you can move to system with the right arrow but can't move to the game button with the left (you have to press the down arrow). I also don't think the bgm should stop when you open up the Radar and loadout menu. The mini radar on the top right would switch between being opaque to transparent when I transition between menus (not sure what the exact cause is). And spamming the loadout and radar menus caused it to break. Like you mention in the readme the default controls are very poor, although the only real problem is the camera control, everything else isn't that bad. Not sure where you plan to go with the game but the visual and 3d environment so far look pretty cool, and I really like the aesthetics of the menu. You clearly have something pretty cool here and I can't wait to see more of it in the next DD.
A lot of what you're mentioning needs work, I agree. I made the menus placeholder for now, next demo will have them properly working and explained. The "main level" isn't an actual level, it is just a sky, so don't worry you didn't miss much. Run toggle needs to be worked on, right now you walk if you hold the interact key. I plan to have an option toggle for toggling run/walk and setting which is the default (default walk OR default run). The camera control might change, I've been considering making it work less like Mega Man Legends and a bit more like modern 3D game cameras. Music stopping isn't intentional, I set the wrong pause behavior of the audio player it is playing from. Main menu is a bit buggy and lacking in design, I agree. It will be getting some big changes in the near future.
Thank you for checking out the demo and providing feedback. A lot of what you mentioned is already intended to be fixed/changed, it all definitely reaffirms those goals.
I'm glad you liked it. Next demo will have 3 more maps at least so look forward to it. What do you mean with "the music is at the very least servicable"? Is there something my musician can do to improve the music?
I killed two enemies and explored the bunker, I think that was all there was. I liked the look and the characters stand out in a good way. The locking on and shooting worked well. The control scheme is a bit strange, and yes I did read it. I personally would use wasd where a and d turn left and right and use q and e to strafe left and right with space to jump. It's just the most intuitive way to control a character using a keyboard, and you can have all the other keys be anything else. I'm curious to see where this goes!
Right now the suggested control scheme is to rebind to a controller, using input emulation software like Joy2Key. I'm glad you liked what you played, progress is already started for the next demo. AI will be working in that demo, along with 3 new maps.
This game is very clearly early in its development so don't take any of what I say too negatively, I'm just mentioning everything I noticed while playing the game.
I'm not sure if it's just on my system but I could only get the demo level to run and the main level wouldn't run at all (Game didn't crash but just gave a blue screen until I switched levels). The interact key made the player character run and would only stop running if I pressed the loadout or radar menu keys. Jumping also moved at run speed regardless if I was running or not. I suggest working on the menu because I was very confused and took me a while to figure it out. I still don't know how the loadout and radar menu works (Although I assume most of it is still WIP) this includes the main menu for example the game and system buttons on the top, where you can move to system with the right arrow but can't move to the game button with the left (you have to press the down arrow). I also don't think the bgm should stop when you open up the Radar and loadout menu. The mini radar on the top right would switch between being opaque to transparent when I transition between menus (not sure what the exact cause is). And spamming the loadout and radar menus caused it to break. Like you mention in the readme the default controls are very poor, although the only real problem is the camera control, everything else isn't that bad. Not sure where you plan to go with the game but the visual and 3d environment so far look pretty cool, and I really like the aesthetics of the menu. You clearly have something pretty cool here and I can't wait to see more of it in the next DD.
A lot of what you're mentioning needs work, I agree. I made the menus placeholder for now, next demo will have them properly working and explained. The "main level" isn't an actual level, it is just a sky, so don't worry you didn't miss much. Run toggle needs to be worked on, right now you walk if you hold the interact key. I plan to have an option toggle for toggling run/walk and setting which is the default (default walk OR default run). The camera control might change, I've been considering making it work less like Mega Man Legends and a bit more like modern 3D game cameras. Music stopping isn't intentional, I set the wrong pause behavior of the audio player it is playing from. Main menu is a bit buggy and lacking in design, I agree. It will be getting some big changes in the near future.
Thank you for checking out the demo and providing feedback. A lot of what you mentioned is already intended to be fixed/changed, it all definitely reaffirms those goals.
Map design is solid, graphics are EXCELLENT, movement is satisfying, music is at the very least serviceable. Can't wait to see this fleshed out.
I'm glad you liked it. Next demo will have 3 more maps at least so look forward to it.
What do you mean with "the music is at the very least servicable"? Is there something my musician can do to improve the music?
The music isn't bad at all, I just found it kind of generic. It's just not to my tastes, no need to change it