I played quite a lot and majority of my wins were with red symbols. I only had one successful run with blue. I never managed to make green builds work, especially with how first boss can completely counter it.
I think the last cutscene fits the theme of the game very well.
I never figured out where I put custom seed in.
I like how start is more consistent with same symbols, but it really makes me want to go red a lot. //////////Pivoting to other builds can be quite challenging.
Cost re-balance is good.
Pinball is more likely to not lose me tokens anymore (I still lose most of the time)
Space Invaders is still way too hard.
Majority of the game is spent in first level
I do not know if you changed anything in code, but it felt like I had bad map generations more than the last time I tested the game. By bad generation I mean long blocks which require me to run all the way down and around
I got some screenshots of my victory symbols for you (the game has no victory screen anymore, so I had a good feeling to take these screenshots before final battles):
Angry Meal is still very fun and I always like it when I get the red yellow symbol.
more of the same kind of build, but just look at how much money and gear I had!

And that one was my only "blue" victory. I had many more interesting runs, but they did not make it to my "hall of fame", by the way you should totally add some sort of "Hall Of Fame", so players can check their past victory symbols and gear.
The game gives the best results when you just make the best out of what you are given, and most of the time you are not gonna get given enough or things that synergies. If a player tries to force their way with their own plan, it might end u very frustrating.
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