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A member registered Mar 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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cool stuff.

the only problem i had was that at one point the second "room" bugged out and only two armed goons came out of it instead of three, so i had to restart

yeah the gun feels kind of wimpy. maybe it needs a bigger hitbox to actually hit some enemies

great stuff.

needs some obvious stuff like a clear life counter, how many times you can get hit before you die etc

works much better now!
still some glitches with clipping here and there:

if you sprint while in an air duct you clip and can see what's above you

at one point i basically teleported to the upper floor by.... opening a door above me?

pressing F to talk to the characters at the very end did not work

the lack of fall damage is deliberate, that was a "stomping attack" you do when falling at full speed.

yes i do need to fix that goddamn grenade, it has been broken since dd55

what resolutions do you have? i mainly tested 1080p and 720p

you CAN indeed shoot enemy rockets.

the turret laser was "supposed" to warn people about its presence, but it looks like it's more confusing than anything.

difficulty has been left deliberately easy for testing, i will eventually ramp it up

thanks for the feedback!

the new tutorial seems pretty busted
multiple times i had to restart it because of the lack of stairs, sometimes it worked, but after a while every time i restarted i would become completely unable to move and had to close and reopen the game

occasionally the character gets stuck on things when she jumps and touches them by the side

also, i noticed a SIGNIFICANT "blur" when moving around in the old level, with things looking pretty bad while in motion. i don't seem to recall this being the case in older builds.

it's not caused by my capture software either, because i started recording AFTER noticing it.

my desktop has an nvidia 3060, windows 10, for reference

i can't replicate either of those bugs. the jump pad in the tutorial works for me, and changing the primary weapon while boosting seems to work on all maps.

i might have found a potential exploit.

if you are losing a battle, you can just close the game, and you go back to right before starting the battle

you essentially get unlimited retries without having to start from the beginning

i probably mentioned it in the past, and i know that this it your artistic vision, but i do believe that making the portraits and the models even just slightly less "crunchy" would make things look clearer and nicer.

some of the tutorial text was slightly hard to read too, like the "press LB or RB" prompts

played it on keyboard, it's pretty good

love the new models and animations

before i got a chance to change it, the volume of the text in the intro was VERY loud.

great demo as always.

the only minimal complaint i can offer is that the portals on the floor for the next level don't really mesh well with the ground, they have a black outline around them.

and yes, i also fell into some while walking backwards.

this is absolutely great.

the immersive menu is amazing

a tape recorder for saving? a screwdriver for the settings? top tier.

great sound effects with a moody hard boiled atmosphere...

and the writing is funny, too

great job!

i beat both SELF DOUBT and the SNAKEBITCH.

the music volume was extremely loud at the beginning, so i lowered it

i know it's still wip, but having a "fainted" animation frame instead of simply graying out the character would be better

i placed a knight right next to the gate and it completely ignored any incoming enemies.

the fuel gauge is used for the hovering stamina.

i want large levels and limited boosting stamina would be detrimental

healing myself
i actually completely missed that there was a third element on the table.

then again for poisoning and healing the dummy

and later for using the supereffective attack on all dummies

good progress

i enjoyed a lot the idea of building and customizing an army of companions and summons

t-the day will come when i beat the boss again....

adding next level buttons should actually be pretty easy, great point.

thanks for playing!

game's broken

i glitched through the floor by crouching behind the bed

then i was able to get out of bounds, walking around the mountains and even reached the box early

when i got back there was probably some kind of save conflict, with multiple objectives up at the same time

when i tried again i just got softlocked during a cutscene.

the "create random effect" power seems pretty OP. most of the effects are pretty good, so the enemy just wiped me out in a few turns by destroying two of my monster cards every turn without me being able to do anything about it.

once i saw an enemy card with no effect whatsoever. is it supposed to happen?

this really needs a tutorial. how do i fix my axe?
i seem to recall that you need to harvest plants for the shotgun pellets, but which ones?

the melee is still kinda awkward. i can never seem to get the timing right, so i get hurt

nice dithering. i will wait for the eventual tutorial to give it another spin, i'm kind of wandering aimlessly so far and then lose after a few encounters.

i'm getting better, i reached level 10 this time!

i even made some x2 and x3 combos!

lovely little game, no complaints from me.

i look forward to the story mode

a few things i noted here and there:

the kill counter sfx at the end of the level is very loud

i'm glad that the jumping AAAAHNG is much quieter now lol

i always struggle to find the blue key card in the final level, even though i already know where it is. it just doesn't pop up enough, it almost looks like a normal armor pad or health kit from afar

the mech AI seemed smarter at aiming? it actually hit me a few times while i was strading circles around it.

my favourite DD game is back :)

at some point i killed an enemy with bow and arrow from afar, and when he died the animation of being killed by a sneak attack with a sword played. i should have started recording sooner...

consider adding some kind of sprint options to run for longer distances in larger maps. it's kind of annyoing walking all the way through

played some of the test levels

love the new art and animations

no particular problems to notice

personally, i like immediately switching the character more than the stop time thing, it makes things more frantic, and more exciting

first of all, the presentation is top tier. i love the menus, animations, ost, aesthetics etc, everything

the game itself starts with a surprisingly hard and unforgiving long level tutorial. there's only one checkpoint, too. ideally you would want to start off easy, so that people can get accustomed to the game.

occasionally, my camera was behind a wall but the transparency effect did not trigger, so i was not able to see where i was going.

the concept itself is very interesting and i will keep an eye on it


Game felt a bit easier than usual. I picked the wrong power up most of the time (luck), and i still wiped the floor with most of the enemies even at the very end.

Looks like prioritising extra gem and exp gain early on is REALLY powerful.

Hopefully you add more frames of animation of the character walking and shooting, it kind of feels static right now.
Some of the enemy bullets were kind of hard to see during more chaotic moments.

I recorded the later half of the game:

the tutorial seems solid enough.

i actually got stuck a few times, but every time it turned out that i had misread the instructions to progress, and after reading them again i was able to continue.

if a moron like me can go through it, then it should be good enough

ok i THINK i'm getting the knack of it

i managed to do two missions (launching to lagrangian point, and then orbiting) after some trial and error, sometimes the visual tips and hints don't really load in sync with when you are supposed to press them

but then i had no more hints on what to do next

nice to see it making progress, i really like the idea behind it.

looking forward to a proper main menu with controls, tutorial etc

astonishing quality.
two nitpicks:
i want sound effects on killing and getting killed

and i want some smaller, more focused maps

incredible 3d models.
it seems unclear when you can actually do the grabbing and when you cannot

when i DID the grab it worked fine, but when i was the one hit by the enemies the player was in an incorrect position so there was either huge clipping with the characters superimposed on each other, or only the female character on screen.

it's obviously lacking in juice and wow factor right now, but the gameplay loop itself seems clear enough
it could work as a simple relaxing mobile game of sorts

>Does she work in the anime industry?
nah but she studied as an artist her whole life, and also watched anime both in her youth and with me in my youth, so she kind of digs the aesthetic

about the fonts, i was trying to give each font its own "domain", but i clearly failed.

i know that your game is close to coming out, but i want to give my two cents nonetheless.

the two main issues seem to be graphical, and clarity.

graphically, the two things that kind of always bothered me are the color palette, and the font. it's nice that you added multiple color options, but large chunks of the UI (text boxes, icons, frames, items etc) remain in various hues of dark yellow, senape, light brown etc, which i honestly feel are kind of unappealing, and might not help the game pop out more as it deserves.

the font can get kind of hard to read, even with the max size UI (i'm playing at 1080p), which is a HUGE deal in a text heavy game, ESPECIALLY during battles, when the text is blazing at the speed of light and i can barely take a glimpes at it.

finally, the tutorial was not very clear at some points. when i had to equip an item for the first time, the "hint" was dragging the item in the wrong direction, which confused me for several minutes, and even made me believe i was stuck or softlocked.

i wish i could say more positive things, because the content is all there and it's cute with editing the rooms and going on raids and more, but some issues here and there really drag down the whole thing.

i wish you the best of luck, because i DO believe that fans of the genre would enjoy it, but it's going to be hard to reach them.

thanks for playing! the portraits were hand drawn by my mother.

I'm not an artist myself, so different assets clashing with each other is kind of unavoidable. while i'm getting better with blender, i'm nowhere close to having a consistent art style all the way through.

right now the fuel meter only handles the hovering mechanic.
i'm hesitant to use it for normal boosting as well, i think it could be an anti fun mechanic having to slow down every time waiting for it to refill

i like how heavy walking feels, but attacks feel pretty slow, you can end up being hit even in a 1vs1 situation

the money as credits feels kind of out of place but i imagine it's just a placeholder

controls in the menus felt kind of weird, sometimes i tried selecting an option with the mouse and nothing happened and i had to use wasd and sometimes even that felt awkward.