Aight, so... It's an improvement from previous demo. A small one, but an improvement. It's not exactly unplayable, like the last time. It's just playable. Not on the controller though, but whatever.
So let's start with the positives. The shooter guy can actually shoot in the direction of the mouse click. That's nice. That's an improvement. And levels are no longer empty - they now have random junk scattered around. That's also nice. I figured out that you can destroy junk for cash and allies. That's great! Because with allies from the crates I no longer had to experience The Gameplay!
Why would I not want to experience The Gameplay? Well, for starters - you're still locked in the animation. It's great if you want to feel like a turret, but every single TF2 engineer knows that the moment you leave the turret unattended (aka - stop healing it) - it's gonna get wrecked. And that's exactly what happens here. AOE attacks that God knows who's doing from across the maps right at you don't help. Dash that recharges for god knows how long (aka "too long") is pointless and might as well not exist. Primary attack is fine, shotgun is good - the actual weapon I used to clear enemies.
Well, until I got a character with a yellow bar spawned in the first level and got killed. Now that's a lot of fun - having no way of dealing with them aside from kiting and pretending to be a turret while balancing on barely any health from one hit from him. Or better yet - getting one-tapped. Balance is still horrible.
Melee guy is worse. Non-cancellable animation, again. The only viable move (the whirlwind) hides behind an extremely long cooldown AND gets cancelled the moment you stop pressing shift. And that means - the only instance of move cancelling doesn't actually serve any purpose aside from making the experience more miserable.
Got killed a couple of times by a crate falling on me. Fun.
Allies use the same models as enemies - only distinguished by green circles which aren't that visible once the VFX start playing.
Levels are differentiated by the kind of enemies spawn in the beginning. While having random junk with goodies on the level is nice - it doesn't make the arena more interesting.
I did not have fun playing it. In fact - I kinda suffered through it. There were improvements from the last time, sure. There are less characters now, and you can shoot in the direction of the mouse. Though I feel like that should've been in the game from the very beginning.
I think you can salvage it, but I also feel like feedback is falling on deaf ears, cuz non-cancellable animations (especially on the melee guy, cuz they are VERY long and close range) were in the last demo, along with insanely long cooldowns and unbalanced enemies. I have no idea what your vision for this game is, but so far it's not the kinda game I would be willing to play voluntarily.
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