Howdy folks! I've been working through some great and thorough examples of ray casting, and translating it for use within a Fennel + Love2D framework. I'm planning to use it for my game-jam submission, and in keeping with the guidelines and the spirit of a jam, I'm sharing my code here in case anyone else wants to use it. I cannot stress enough that this is not a library, it is not optimized, and it is still very heavily a work-in-progress! If anyone has any improvements or recommendations, I'm happy to hear them.
My learning is based primarily on the work of Lode and their Ray-Casting Tutorial [Link], and supplemented by wojciech-graj and their Wolf-80 project [Link]. I'm certain there are more "Lispy" ways to handle some of this, but for now it's basically a translation from Lode's C++ to Fennel. I've also made use of the min-love2d-fennel project [Link] authored by Alex Griffith, which is an incredible starting point. Thanks much, Alex!