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IT'S OVER! Sticky

A topic by b3agz created Feb 28, 2021 Views: 143 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 2

Thank you everyone who participated! I've seen some of the progress pics and videos in the Discord server and I'm looking forward to playing the entries! I'll be live-streaming play throughs of as many entries as I can sometimes during the voting period (will post date/time of stream here), but in the meantime, get playing each other's games and get voting!


UPDATE! Submissions extended for 1 hour because a *lot* of people missed it by seconds and minutes lol.


Submitted (1 edit)

Hi, this is a longshot, but I did not see that you opened the submission again for 1 hour. My submission has an almost game breaking bug (bullet will not travel from player). If it possible to resubmit one time?