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A member registered Nov 25, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback and the kind words LeHero! Yeah there's some bugs, I was a little burned out by the end and just ready to hit that submit button. Thanks for playing!

Haha, thank you! I am planning to keep using Godot (as well as Unity) but I'm dropping GDScript like a bad habit.

Yeah the game didn't quite turn out how I was hoping >.< Thanks for playing tho!

Thanks for playing, Gabriel!

b3agz Jam 2024 community · Created a new topic WINNERS!


1st Place: Unarmed To The Bone (https://denis1243.itch.io/unnarmed-to-the-bone)

2nd Place: Stairway Stumble (https://ultimatevenom.itch.io/stairway-stumble)

3rd Place: Ouch! (https://skyel11.itch.io/ouch)

In addition to the prizes listed on the jam page, IrregularSalt has been generous enough to throw some additional prizes into the pot, including a copy of Aseprite for each of the winners. He has also chosen his pick of the jam (not including the winners) who will also get a prize, and that pick is:

Perilous Pathways (https://mrzombieuk.itch.io/perilous-pathways)

Can the devs of the winning games reply to this thread with a preferred way to get in touch to talk about getting you your prizes. The best way would be to hop into the Discord server (you can always leave straight after, I won't be offended). Be sure to leave your Discord username below so I can verify it's actually you in Discord.

Ey up jammers! I'll be playing your games on stream tomorrow (Wednesday 13th) from 10:30AM UK time. If I can get through them all in one stream (I usually stream for about 4 hours) I will, but I'm not gonna rush through so if I don't get through them all in one stream, I'll continue on Thursday's stream.

I'll be giving feedback (both on stream and in the page comments) but I won't be showing my ratings on stream so as not to influence anything.

The order of games I play will be mostly random, but it I'll prioritise games whose devs are in chat.

You can find the stream on either Twitch or YouTube (b3agz in both places).

That is all!

Okay but remember, if you quit you won't be in the running for any of the prizes. The rating period finishes in a week and then uploads are unlocked.

Hi Layer, unfortunately, that's the only way to update your game before the end of the rating period. I can either remove your game from the jam or you can quit.

Are you just wanting to update your game in general or did you miss some files that prevent it from working?

b3agz Jam 2024 community · Created a new topic RATING TIME!

So a few things about rating:

1 - As long as I it runs on my computer, I will be playing and rating all of the games, so you are guaranteed at least one rating and some feedback.

2 - Though it's not an actual rule, you tend to get more ratings from other devs if you rate more games yourself, so one of the best things you can do to get more ratings is go and rate some games.

3 - It should go without saying but please be as impartial as you can when rating. I know you are all technically in competition with each other, but the system only works if you all play fair. Also, if you can leave honest feedback as well, everyone will appreciate you.

4 - I will be playing as many of the games as I can on stream over the next week. I'm not sure which days yet but I will announce ahread of time. I'll be playing them at random for the most part, but I will prioritise devs that are in chat at the time.

5 - I will be giving feedback on the stream but I won't be showing my ratings during the rating period.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop them below or in the Discord server!


The restriction is that your game must have some kind of audio control (a simple volume slider or mute button will do). If your game does not audio at all, you are exempt from the restriction.

Making this official: The way the theme picking will be handled is I am going to pick 4 themes and then towards the end of Friday's stream, around the time the jam will be kicking off, I'll run a poll where viewers can vote on which of the 4 themes it should be.


If you want a little bit of input over the final theme (or you just want to see the theme announcement live), be watching the stream at around 1:30-2:00PM UK time on Friday!

Here's the link:


haha, thank you for the update. Might have saved me a frustrating hour of trying break my game on purpose.

There is a really solid concept here. The instructions were nice and clear, the gameplay was simple yet addictive (number go up goooood). The hand-drawn art style was giving a bit of Hidden Folks vibes and, honestly, I think with a little more "stuff" in the game world and maybe some penalty mechanic (like certain people you have to avoid) and this is a full fat ready-to-go game. Great work!

Thank you for the feedback and for playing! And thank you for letting me know about the player reset bug. It *could* be an issue with running under Linux as this is the first time I've heard about it, but I will try and recreate it when I get back to development.

Thanks again!

I'm a big fan of the vibe and aesthetic of this one. I don't know if Thomas Was Alone was any kind of inspiration here but I'm definitely getting those vibes (which is a positive thing imo).

The only major gripe I had was I could have used a clearer system for mining/building (or perhaps a bit more feedback for the player), but that's just a QoL thing, not a game-breaking problem.

I would love to see where you take this. Great work!

Thank you for the very kind words and for the feedback/bug reporting. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I played your game this morning, great work!

The look of this one really appealed to me. I come from the King's Quest/Hugo's House of Horrors era of gaming so I really dug it. It was all very nicely put together and achieved the vibe (I think) you werre going for. Spooky but fun. Unfortunately I didn't manage to finish the game, I kept getting caught by one of the floaty blob things in the hallway with the stairs >.<

As far as notes go, there isn't much that couldn't just be put down to the game jam (as in stuff that would probably have been sorted with more development time and testing). I'd have maybe used the W key instead of the up arrow, and possibly made it so the mouse controlled the up/down angle of the torch have the torch always face forward. I kept getting caught by blobs because I got near the edge of the room and my dude span around to face the mouse lol.

Excellent work though. Loads of potential, you should definitely keep working on this.

Ah that's a shame. At least you got something out of it though!

Thanks you for the kind words, I appreciate it! Do you have a game in the jam? I'd give it a play but I can't see one on your profile.

Thank you very much for playing and for the kind words. And thank you for the bug report!

The artwork on this is excellent and the music fits nicely with the art style. I ran into a few bugs but nothing that the other commenters haven't already talked about so I won't repeat them again. Great work!

Thank you so much for playing!

Super slick gameplay. The spaceship controls were smooth as butter and the jelly effect on the swarm/shield thing was satisfying to shoot away. Great work!

Thank you for the kind words, and playing the game!

Thank you for the wonderful comments, feels amazing to have the writing noticed. I thoroughly enjoyed your game as well!

Great art style (the car caught me offguard, was expecting a 2D sprite, very nice work) cool concept, smooth gameplay. I would say the world feels a little too big/empty, but you only had so much time to make the game. If you develop it further (and I think you should) maybe look at adding traffic and pedestrians to bring the world to life. Great entry, though, well done!

My guys, you fit SO much into this entry for only 2 weeks, amazing. All the little details like being able to wobble bottles and playing the piano syncing up with the music (which was great btw). Beyond that, the overall vibe really appealed to me. Sent me back to my old LucasArts point-n-click adventure game days (specifically Sam n Max comes to mind). Amazing work.

Thank you for the detailed feedback! Really appreciate it. That's all going in the notes :) Thank you for playing!

Nice player artwork, and some tricky character controller mechanics implemented. Dash and wall grab can be a real pain the behind to get working. The lighting effects are pretty sweet too. I'm a big fan of a bit of lore, so I liked that you got some story in there about the radiance. The only problem I had (and this isn't necessarily your game's fault, skill issues maybe), is I couldn't beat the damn thing lol. But I had fun trying. Great job!

This game is super relaxing. The player-determined pace of the game, the chill music, the hand-drawn art style. It all comes together really nicely. If you develop further it might be worth adding a "cozy" mode where there's no competition, and the player can just destress and plant shrooms. Great job!

Watching EXP play it was a bit nerve racking lol. Thank you for playing and for the kind words!

Great artwork, sound effects, smooth gameplay, simple loop. I have no notes. Great job!

Oh I was talking about gameplay mechanics more than artwork. You can tell a lot of work has gone into making it all so polished. That's not to say the art isn't nice.

Thanks for playing! Yeah the respawn time is a very common complaint, probably something I should think about changing lol. I just played your meme... I mean game too. Great work!

Haha, love it. I'm not sure how much sense it would make outside of the goblin community but I loved all the little references. Also the switch to XP wallpaper brought a nostalgic tear to my eye. Good job!

Thanks for this guys I'll put a little update on the game page because you're not the only ones who ran into this.

Thanks for the interest. Yeah I've seen a few comments to that effect. The problem does in fact appear to be that I RAR'd it rather than ZIPped it. Force of habit smh.

Thank you for playing and for the kind words. I know what you mean about the slopes. Unfortunately I ran out of time to fix it. Just played your game, great entry!

Great art work, especially for such a short period! The gameplay loop is solid, a nice little puzzle game. I feel like this could do really well as a mobile game if you decide to keep working on it. Amazing work!

I hear you. The shipped code for game has like 3-4 game mechanics that I set up and ran out of time to put into the levels D: