Hobby pixel artist, been learning code since quarantine. This is going to be my first game jam. Will recorded progress.
Looking for someone looking to team up using godot, using GDSCRIPT and prefferably discord.
An example of a game i've made this quarentine https://i.gyazo.com/4aedbf6945d94fd812e1872d642b08ef.mp4
Languages: English / dutch, both profeccient.
timezone: MET, GMT +1
I am looking to work on the project mostly during the night, no insane dedication but from around 6pm to 4 am
down to do visual and code shared, although i will be of more use in the visual department since i am new to coding.
Will probably prefer making a 2d game, will probably prefer something movement oriented and simple mechanically so we can focus on visuals and feel.
Anyone down? add me on discord! Snort#6867