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I had to make my game in under 24 hours, and I did it!

A topic by Kabloosh created Apr 12, 2022 Views: 130 Replies: 1
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This was my first entry to the Black & White Jam. I skipped to within the last 48 hours since Ludum Dare 50 was happening.  At first I just saw the black and white theme idea, so I would make this detective 2d-puzzle platformer I thought would be cool. However, I had the prototype done, and with about 24 hours left, I found out there was a theme: looping. So I had to scrap that idea and within 24 hours, I was able to make a 2d puzzle platformer where you "pause" a clone of your self and use that as a platform.

The game is called "Playback", and you can play it here:


Hi! That was fun, just played and rated. Appreciate it if you'd do the same with ours here, thanks: