I really like the visuals, the game mechanics are solid and the experience is fun, at the beginning it took me a few tries to fully understand how the game was working but in the end i fully understood and enjoyed it. I rate graphics, control, fun and music the most, but all is cool really, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
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Keep It Spinning's itch.io pageGame's Take on the Theme
The game has you preventing a record player from stopping against a boss. Your only way to attack is by throwing your records like frisbees (spinning) at said boss. However, I only had time to add a single boss rather than the three I wanted.
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
I made all of the art, but I used a royalty free channel for the music.
If not, please link to any asset packs or resources used here.
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