Hi! I'm a musician looking for a group to work with. I like using synths but I'm also classically trained, so I can write orchestral stuff as well. Here's the link to my spotify if you would like to check it out: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5QReIUmHIX0G5XEJJOSKAi?si=RTB4IaRER162G2BwQfJ1jA
I'm offering to work for free as I am really just looking for experience and chill people to work with. My main stipulation is that I really want to be in a group that finishes a game--it doesn't matter how beginner or advanced it ends up being, let's just finish ! :D
I also can do some 2D art/basic programming, but I figure there are people more experienced in those particular fields than me.
Thank you for reading, and please reach out if you're interested in working with me!!