Super cool game! I love the idea!
The UI looks really well done and polished, congrats on that part. The monsters looks great, the doors, all the art works looks good for the game.
The concept of the game is really interesting. I like trying to fight enemies, getting stronger, getting items, etc. It's a cool idea.
One issue I found is that once you pass a certain threshold (to say something), some enemies can't do anything anymore to you. For example the skeleton. Once you can beat it without losing any health, this will stay like this for the rest of the run. You get stronger until it gets to a point where you are stronger than everything else, rendering obsolete most monsters. If monsters could get stronger, or even stronger monsters could appear as you advance, that could be really good. I say this cause by door 15 more or less most enemies couldn't even hit me.
Unfortunately the game crashed for me at door 40 :(
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