Its my first ever jam and due to time restraints with work and children I am afraid that I may have picked a project which was a bit less ambitious then i should have, but never the less i will continue to work on it with the goal of completing it and not worry so much if it its just a polished turd. I decided to try and do my first jam alone although I realize part of the experience is to interact with like minded individuals and have fun, so i am making a devlog to document my progress and get your feed back and maybe some laughs out of you with my buggy mess and poor art ability:) Good luck to everyone!
Holey Moley is my take on wackamole where a farmer is sick of moles digging holes all over his farm and your job is to try to get rid of as many as you can in a 60 second period.
Day 1: Main menu and "art" along with randomized spawn and click interaction still needs to be polished