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A member registered Feb 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey Cenphon. Feel free to use it.

Hey Quasar, Thanks for your feedback. Our models were done by Jial, check out his work: . We've changed the controls, now it's more intuitive to use, and now i'm considering putting controls on the pause menu, thanks!! 

Hey Swanand, i'm very glad that you enjoyed our game. We are already working to polish the game, if you liked it, follow me to see the updates.  And i saw your game a few days ago, preatty nice cyberpunk puzzle game. 

Hey IntelliPIX, thanks for your feedback! Actually due to earlier feedback we've already changed controls to Q and E. I'm very happy that you enjoyed the farmer because i personally worked on him, and we've already impreved him. Now he can find and destroy digged holes and is a little bit faster.  It's still lacking some animation, but we will work on that later. 

A really hidden gen. Nice tutorials, quite simple and easy to learn. And i loved how you used what would be a flaw in the hole moviment in a game mechanic. Greate Job! 

Hey my friend, check mine! 

hey check out mine! We're in need of feedback. (don't mind the messed control)

Sure í'll, check out mine too 

Hey RCJ, thanks for your feedback. We have already changed the controls, now it's a way better. I get a little bit worried about the lag, could you give more information about? When does it lag? 

Thanks Mattis, we will!

Hey Jasper, thanks for playing. We've already changed the controls, thanks for your feed back.

Hey Jayometric, thanks for the feedback! We have already changed the controls, now it's  a way better. We will add animation to arrow keys, we rushed to finish the game in time for the jam so we leaved that way. About the float thing... for now let's make this our little secret... hahahah. We will add some fall mechanic to prevent this kind of thing to happen. 

Hey Walter, thanks for your feedback! We are adding some elements to make the game a little bit more challenging. So instead of taking carrots automatically we plan to add a little bit of time to gather then. So when pressing E the bunny will be locked in place and play the gathering animation. This will be cool because the farmer is fast, and right behind your back. 

Hey Thomas, thanks for your feedback! I really had no idea that german keyboards had a different layout, thats funny. We've changed the controls to use q and e instead of z and x, and it's a way better. The arrows works but because of a mistake that we haven`t fixed yet. But i'm glad that you have enjoyed the game. =D

Nice game, i ways like "Shoot everything that moves" kind of games. One thing though is that the mouse sensibility is a waaaay to high, and the movement are very slow. It makes very hard to avoid the Rabbits. But a really fun game. PS: Mr. Rabbit, our main character is very traumatized.

Cool asteroid game, i really liked how the asteroids tear part in a lot of debries. One thing though, on next games, increase the contrast between the game objects and the background. Sometimes is very hard to see the asteroids. 

Nice use for the theme, really loved the 3d models, they are really well made and audio as well. It creates a good atmosphere. The only thing that bothers me is the jump. To do a right jump you need to start running, but the plataform itself is a little too short for that. And everytime you died you need to go back to the begining ( at least on the first part of the game). Maybe if you change the jumping mechanic and add more checkpoints, it would be nice. But a really nice game =DDDD.

Hey Steven ! Our controls are messed up. Try using z to dig and x to take carrots. 

Hey my friend! Check ours! 

Hey! CHeck ours!


Fala meus queridões, how you doing? I really hope well!

                     We've got a lot of feedbacks on the past few days, and decided to start improving the game. It's a huge holiday here in Brazil ( Carnaval, yaaay), so we have a lot of free time. First we changed the controls, now you use the WASD, Q and E instead of WASD, Z and X. We also fixed a few annoying bugs,  now diging in roads don't flick anymore and you can't dig over a hole. 

                     We've also improved the farmers AI. Now he sees and destroys holes when not hunting the player and also is a way faster. We did that in order to increase the game's challenge. We really hope you find it more fun! 

                    But however, i personally want to ask for your feedback. If you can play the game,  and tell us what you think! This is the only way for us to improve and perhaps launch the game in a few months! Here's the link

Thanks for the pacience! Se cuida Galera! Beijocas Trevz!.


Thanks Akatosh! We really apreciated!

We're in need of feedback!  iIf you can give it a chance we would be glad.

(1 edit)

Hey Timmay! That's very funny because it was something that our animator (Jial) said on the first time he played, and i answered to him: "if someone asks says it's a feature not a bug" hahahaha. We plan to change it later.  xDDD

Hey Yosemite, Thanks for the feedback. We've already  changed that, now it is on wasd and q for digging and e to interact.  This is because we're planning to add a 2 player mode on the same keyboard. =DDD

I loved the controls, it's weird at first time but it gets very easy to use, good job! The overall graphics are nice, but maybe adding some texture to the would be a nice little touch, and a background soundtrack too. 

Really nice game, loved everything about it, graphics, colors, controllers, soundtrack. Really a great game, good job!! =DDDD

Nice game on overcooked style, it´s a little bit morbid and that's what makes it fun. The main character is weird and i think that it was your intenttion but i think you could improve the graphics a little bit, with more texture for the background and assets. Nice game =D

I really enjoyed the effects on the black hole, one thong though is that on the very beggining i had no clue on what to do. Maybe in a next game putting some guidelines would  be nice. =DDD

Nice game, it gets better after you get the wings, and it's very nice the way the car shakes when hiting a pothole. I guess maybe if you rotate the tree's models a little bit it in some sort of random way, even coping and pasting, tha background would be a little bir more organic. Really cool game =DD

Hey guys, nice game! I've been watching it since the dev logs, loved what you have done. 

Only one thing about this game... *inhales* PEW PEW PEW PEW PEPEPEW PEW. 

Really great game, loved the game design and the atmosphere. The way you used the theme is nice as well. And i loved the ideia of yousing your own voice as audio asset.

Cool simple game, had fun playing it. I think some kind of mechanic to quickly avoid the enemies would be nice. Because sometimes you make a wrong turn and you know thal you'll hit the enemy but can't make anything to avoid it. Good Job! =D

Hey, your concept is nice,  and i really enjoyed the parallax effect that you used with the background =).  The controls are hard to use, and jumping is very imprecise, i think you should improve that. One more thing is that the background music is very annoying for my taste, but that's personal.  

Hey Btmodz, nice game! I really enjoyed the graphics and game design, it's pretty fun! 

I liked your game, good job! Loved that you can move the hole on the end. One thing though, is that the ball is a way too heavy if compared to everything else.

This game is a waaay cooler than i expected. Nice Job! One thing though is that the mouse sensibility is little bit high.

(1 edit)

Very simple game. I can see your effort putting it togheter, Good Job. The only thing is that you could enhance the contrast of the bullet, sometimes it just vanishes from sighting. 

I liked your concept. It's very nice the white hole mechanic. Good job for jus a week. The only thing is that the stars are very fast what makes it hard to avoid. 

Very unique game, i liked it! The sounds that you used reminds of a game called Signal Simulator. Good Job! And the game is pretty hard.