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Issues with scratch

A topic by merlang7 created Aug 01, 2020 Views: 146 Replies: 4
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So,  programmed the basics of the game I engine I would use to make my entry in Scratch, but there's one issue: I want the rewind to be smooth, but that would mean either have a list that updated every frame (which will probably be laggy and will have no limit.) or like 100 variables that are updated every frame (mega laggy), but can delete data that's unnecessary. I could also just mess around with save points, but that's sort of a last resort, since it's not exactly rewinding. So, any ideas?


One button to save position. Other to go back there. Something like that. 


I mixed that with the below comment. Thank you!

You could try defining the start and the end point and move your object based on a set value or a formula.


That's what I ended up doing. Thanks!