If you are new to gamejams, here are some useful tips that might help you out!
- Aim very small, a week may seem like a lot of time to make a big project, but it never works out that way. Keep it small, make a working game very fast and keep adding features and polishing from there.
- Don't worry if you come out of this jam with a "not so great" game. The point of the jam is to have fun working on new, interesting concepts. Think of it as a very stressful prototyping phase. Go crazy with ideas! After the jam you are always allowed to polish it out and get a much better game out of it.
- As we, the community, are a programming-focused Discord server, don't worry about crappy programmer's art. The goal is to have a fun, working game.
- If you are stuck on something, don't stress over it. Go and do something else in the meantime, clear out your head. Game jams are a long sprint, the best thing you can do is not rush and keep your cool.
- Can't come up with ideas? Do something completely unrelated, inspiration comes from weird places you'd never expect!
Useful Software
All tools listed here are free!
- Music Composing: Bosca Coeil (https://boscaceoil.net/), lmms (https://lmms.io/)
- Sound Effects Generator: sfxr (http://www.drpetter.se/project_sfxr.html)
- 2D Art: Paint.NET (https://www.getpaint.net/), Asesprite (buy it or compile the sources), Krita (https://krita.org/en/)
- 3D Art: Blender (https://www.blender.org/)
- Coding: Visual Studio (https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/de/vs/), Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/?wt.mc_id=DX_841432)