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Probably very late but searching for a team!

A topic by unusedname created Aug 21, 2021 Views: 442 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 5
Submitted (1 edit)

I am a unity coder 14 years old and 1,5 years of expiercen mostly in 3d

I dont care what you do as long as you live in mostly the same time zone use unity and are roughly the same age

btw i use discord Superminer3000#1976

hey i can be apart of your team i don't use unity but i can be your game designer. and am 14 :))



What is your time zone so we can team up ?

Submitted (1 edit)

Sorry saw your post too late but +1:00 if you still want to know

Hey, ik u joined super late, but I wanted to join you guys in making a video game. Don't have much experience but I wanted to at least be part of a team while making a game. I'm 16 btw and am in eastern time zone.


I saw you sent a friend request on discord but i cant find it. Can you send it again. 

Btw i need to ask my teammate if its ok that you join and when you join you probalby need to do pixel art

(1 edit)

ill try


dang everyone here is so talented lol I can compete. This makes me want to learn a new engine and blender. U guys got this.