I'm Not Alone is a puzzle platformer where you have to piece together a young boy to make him whole again, all while being fast enough to prevent the boy from having a panic attack!
Your tun:
I'm Not Alone is a puzzle platformer where you have to piece together a young boy to make him whole again, all while being fast enough to prevent the boy from having a panic attack!
Your tun:
Looks great! I'll review it right now :D
Here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-8/rate/1681556
Please make sure to leave some feedback if you do rate!
I'll go play your game now, sounds like an interesting idea!
Only if you want to - https://exterabisstudios.itch.io/statues
Its a game about statues that move unless you shine your light on them, you try to find an artifact and get out before they all reach you.
Played your game and it was fun. Heres mine: https://max-inc.itch.io/brackeys-game-jam-2022