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heloooo am a 14 year old unity dev, looking for a team!

A topic by Jack created 95 days ago Views: 163 Replies: 6
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I've worked in unity for a while now and done some game jams but nvr in a team so I would like some experience. I'm quite good at programming and I can kinda composes stuff but not rrl and I'm terrrrrrible at art soooo yh.

I can help with music if you want to! I like bullet hell games, so it would be nice to be part of a project about it.

(1 edit)

that sounds amazing, ive nvr been in like a team before but music is a verry important part of a shmup so this would be verry help full

do u have discord?

Very sorry for the late reply, but yes I currently have a Discord! Please message me on Twitter/X @RaincloudsNTea though, I don't want to just give it out here. XD

if you are still looking for a team, ping me on discord: sorathesky

Im willing to compose music!

I can do art (pixel art preferred) and help with soundtracks. Which software ru using?