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Let's see that art!

A topic by Polyducks created Sep 03, 2019 Views: 1,074 Replies: 76
Viewing posts 1 to 17

Come on, share what you've made so far! Here's mine. It's using textmode.


Really nice art Polyducks, reminds me of NES style art.


this  is the only graphic I had by now XD

but was made with free assets take here from itch,io, I dont know if that is allowed but I will make original arts later anyway

This assets!

Host (1 edit) (+1)

I think the spirit of the jam is to create original art, but there is no hard fast rule on that Of course, make sure that any of the art you use is licensed and attributed properly.


I haven't given any thought to the title screen and I've only got placeholder images for the other ones. I think it's okay to use free assets, providing you credit them. I've added an ABOUT command for this, but the text is currently empty. I'll probably use a third-party font if I can find one I like.

Chris, is it okay to change the title? I thought it had to be "The Cave of Magic".

According to the Jam rules, Polyducks' title should be 'The Cave of Magic: Mushroom Hunt'.... hopefully, they're not magic mushrooms! :) Or they're magic mushrooms of the right type! :) 

Ah, I see that including 'The Cave of Magic' is no longer one of the rules of the Jam. :) 


There were complaints about the rule, and given that all entries will be tagged with the jam, it should be easy to discover entries without requiring a common prefix.

Host (1 edit)

I loosened the rules to allow a different titles (prior to the competition starting).

I do like "The Cave of Magic: xxxx", but all entries will be tagged, so you have the freedom to name your own entry as you see fit as long as you associate it with the base game and the jam.

I haven't loosened the rules since Friday, and I won't loosen them any more, there has to be some minimum spec and structure to entries.


So, thats okay for use free assets to make the graphics? (with credits of course)




Just a minor point about graphics. Make sure you determine the position of the sun and do your shading and highlighting consistently in all rooms. Assuming your images are all facing north, if your game is set in the morning, the highlights are on the right and the shading is on the left. In the afternoon, it's the other way around. (Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.) If you're in a cave, the shading and highlights depend on the position of your light source.


Most people wouldn't have a clue how to do this (myself included).

Just want to make clear that this is not a rule of the competition.


Of course not. I just thought I'd mention it for anyone that's using third-party graphics. It gives a feeling of professionalism that most users wouldn't even notice. If your graphics are reasonably symmetrical, all you do is flip the picture horizontally in your favourite graphics editor. Otherwise, you just switch the highlight and shadow colours. It's a little bit tedious, but very easy when using pixelated graphics.

Submitted (1 edit)

Excellent point. I was thinking about something similar today. I wanted a scene where the light was reflecting off the lake, but the lake is to the east and the time is late afternoon. No light reflecting off the lake when the sun sets in the west!

(4 edits) (+6)


Trail to the cottage

Cottage exterior

Nice. That's very effective. 


I love this.


Very cool


feels blth relaxing and kinda dark


Very nice. This and the image posted by Sos <3 are in the same style that I was thinking of using.


well... i made a several change in the art  :3CaveJam Shot

Now I have almost 50% of the game done ;)


this game seems pretty cool. I really want to play it


Its already online here, the beta version


this game seems pretty cool. I really want to play it

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

hehe it makes me feel weak to see these arts. i was thinking if i draw some bad art and then turn them to ASCII


ASCII could be a cool look!


Here's a couple of locations I made for 8bitAG's adventure. We decided to use the ZX Spectrum palette but with no colour/attribute clash limitation for speed.


Very cool. Incredibly atmospheric!



In situ...



Great stuff!


Looking very nice. There appears to be a bit of a bug in the text rendering these days, where the second line of a game seems to be slightly indented. I'm not sure if this is a browser issue or an Adventuron issue, but I didn't change anything about the renderer, and it only seems to happen on certain versions of Chrome. I'll investigate and see if I can issue an update before everyone finally compiles.

Yeah, it's only appeared fairly recently.


Can you tell me which browser version you are using (and confirm the problem still exists in that browser version) - maybe have to go to the menu / about button in your browser.

Windows 10 Chrome - Version 76.0.3809.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Non-Artists - Don't Worry

Just wanted to add a post here to reassure entrants that are not particularly skillful artists, that games using a basic style are very welcome and to remind  everyone of the standard of graphic that was very common 30 years ago.

There is of course a lot of magnificent artwork from the time, but I wanted to highlight how even perfunctory artwork can work well with text.

(Screenshots from )

Acorns Quest by AH Software

Castle Eerie by Tartan Software

Forest At World's End by Interceptor Software

Kingdom of Kull by ZX Computing

.... anyway, the purpose of this post is to highlight that even though we have some great artist in the jam, that even if you are not a great artists, by going abstract, you can still add something that makes a game a little bit more unique feeling.

Recommended tool for Spectrum style art : Multipaint


Most recent piece here. These pieces are taking about 2-3 hours each. I hope I'm going to get them all done in time.


I love that style. Very cool. 


PETSCII-esque tile graphics really look great. Less is more.


This is my lake room in 128 x 40 pixels:

Host (1 edit)

That will look REALLY nice when rendered in Adventuron (adventuron doesn't blur it like this forum does). Reminds me of the early sierra style of game. Lovely.

Submitted (2 edits) (+3)

My forest room:


Lots of different styles. All great. Today i had some time to work on both the text and graphics for the jam. Here one of the locations:

Oooh -- tasty!


Is that 3D with a filter?


Thank you for asking. It is indeed 3d. Usually they take about 2-3h per image. No filters are used but the images are converted to 8bit using mostly a mac color palette and dithering in pattern mode. I try to keep them around 10-20kb.


It looks amazing!


With your consent, I'd like to post a screenshot of a work in progress game (on the Adventuron twitter account). It's opt in, so anyone that has a nice looking screen to share, please reply to this message. 


Well, I haven't actually started the coding part yet (!), but if you want to use any of the stuff I've posted, go ahead.


How's it going with the coding part?

I'm ashamed to say that I've got involved in something else. It's not you, it's me...

Such a shame. I loved the art. Are you going to do anything with it now?

Thanks. It's going to go on the back burner for the moment. Sorry I couldn't take it to completion.


Your choice ;)

im not an twitter user but is @KillerSoso


Do you mean just the room's image or the actual  game? If the latter, what screen size?


Is this the sort of thing you mean? If so, you're welcome to use it.

Very nice.


Very nice indeed Gary. 

Every game looks to have a very unique style which I am enjoying.


I finished this one a few hours ago. I'm @polyducks on Twitter too :)


That screen is so beautiful. So so beautiful. That said, there appears to be some scaling artifacts in the game.  Adventuron should never naturally render blurry fonts (notice the double thick line at the top of the E), so I wonder if you zoomed in with your browser?

Certainly before you release you'll need to confirm that the fonts are rendering properly.

And the image looks slightly blurry too, which again might be a browser zoom as I assume your core image is a lossless blocky PNG.

Forget all that though - this is BEAUTIFUL.


It looks like character graphics. Very effective. And nice selection of colours, too.


Nice style. Great!. Also the colors look like they belong together.


Here is one of mine. Almost there. Have to create one more location.


Really lovely looking and nice border.

Can I post this on Twitter later today?


Yes that is fine.


Here is one. I posted some with my twitter but nobody saw it


Liking the style of it, however, maybe increase the num_columns?


I'll see what i can do in the next update

If it isn't obvious, I've never so much as touched art in my life. I hope this style isn't enough to push people away from the game! I'll have all the lighting and stuff fixed up before the end hopefully, but I wanted to get something out so I can see if it's at least alright-ish looking. So many people have such great art here!

That's nice. The lack of perspective is a good choice. I'm not sure about the filter.


I honestly had no idea that there was an automatic filter applied, whoops! I'll get rid of it and see if it looks better :D But thank you!


Yep, like the art. Much much better than my art.

Maybe the crt filter should be disabled in the theme.

Also, maybe try one of the different packaged fonts, maybe daad or delta_10 or clairsys_10?


Thank you for letting me know, had no idea that was an option. I was planning on changing the font but I had no idea what to, thanks for the suggestion! 


"I've never so much as touched art in my life."

You could've fooled me. This looks great. It's perfect for the retro style that the jam is encouraging.


Thanks so much, that makes me happy to hear! I hope I can fit the rest of the art into the game just as well


If you need inspiration, check out the images of games like Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders or maniac mansion on MobyGames.