Hey guys, can you do me a favor? if you guys have time, can you guys rate my first game jam game? I'll also rate your games if I have the time.
Here's the link to my game: https://theopenflare.itch.io/reality-check-game-jam
Hey guys, can you do me a favor? if you guys have time, can you guys rate my first game jam game? I'll also rate your games if I have the time.
Here's the link to my game: https://theopenflare.itch.io/reality-check-game-jam
https://dei-bit.itch.io/hear-will-healkill-you here is mine i will rate your game
Loved your creation (and rated of course) and I hope you will as well . Here's my game https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477400
Cool! i like the look of your game. Rated it. I hope you enjoy my game as well :-)
Played and rated, I really like the look of the game.
Could you please rate mine: https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/476306
It's a game of following simple instructions". In this short but great game, you must follow simple instructions given to you by your friendly neighbour: Phil. Will you follow his instructions? What happened if you don't? With over 50 ratings, this is an epic and hilarious platformer made for the Community Game Jam in only 7 days. Good luck, you challenge starts now! Would Greatly appreciate any ratings and I hope you enjoy the game as much as we did making it :)
Really cool art, played and rated!
heres my game: https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/476306
I played and rated your game, it must have been a lot of work to make, great job.
I'd appreciate it if you rated mine: https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/476306
When I submitted my game, I was only able to build for Mac in Unity. I thought maybe it would be okay, but I have found out that it wasn't. I reinstalled Unity so I could build for Windows. If you would please help me by playing my game and get the remaining votes I would greatly appreciate it!
I am rating games today, and if you can help, I will be sure to return the favor!
Windows: https://red-huli.itch.io/the-white-door-windows
Community Game Jam submission page: https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477131
Sorry for the inconvenience. It was my first game jam, and I definitely learned from this experience.
Here is ours. Don't quit the game after the credits hehe. I'll play yours now