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Vedang Rahurkar

A member registered Jul 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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Glad you enjoyed the game! :)

I guess the smaller levels can help? Will have to playtest it once to know for sure... will do that once the jam ends! Thanks for the feedback👍

oh! Lol had not thought of it, yeah, will fix it, thanks for pointing out...

Hey, wow! First of all thankyou for playing almost an year and half old game from a GameJam!

Regarding the bugs/glitches, they sure are interesting and I would really improve/fix it if I update the game (which I will surely do at some point XD). As I said it was my first ever GameJam and first game I actually completed from start to end, so I am not surprised there are bugs in it... (Here's one game breaking bug if you would like to know, if in a mission you press space, the game gliches out and tries to end the current mission with some random dialogues...)

I am hoping I have improved in developing my future games and would love if you consider playing some of my latest games... The feedback for this game is greatly appreciated and it has certainly given me a reason to update it. Thanks for playing, cheers!

You should give them admin access for the games page and also add them as contributer to make them appear in the game as team member.

To do so once you have created the page for the game, click on edit the page, in 'more' tab click on 'admins' add the team members itch user name  and send the request url (it will popup) to him/her, once you have added the user name you will see a table above the text box with a checkbox for contributer check it and you are done.

Hope this helps you and anyone looking help in this section

I know right!!

Ooh I like that, Brackey is notoriously famous for such things, you may have a nice lead here...

Just hope its not too general like last time... It took me good 1 day to figure what to make with "Holes"

What do you think the theme for this Game Jam be??

Thankyou for feedback! The bugs were inevitable we tried to fix as many bugs as we could, we wanted to do a lot more but couldn't due to these bugs! Your game is fun to play as always! Hope to see you in coming brackeys gamejam!

Thankyou for playing the game :) I'll check out your game soon

If you plan to make another video

it's a webgl unity bug in my version which resets anything when pressed space or enter... In my editor if tried to replicate the process, that bug does not occur... I am still figuring out that bug

the speed of character is slow for the puzzle at stage 2 of the game in which you are supposed to go from one end of the map to other in 10 seconds which is impossible by normal walking... (The solution being using the work hole gun to travel faster distance instantaneously)

The people were last minute addition to the gane to make the world more alive and I am pretty sure from the review fron everyone else... It broke the games fun... So adding the reactions from people though a great idea hard ti be implemented at very end... Something I'll be enjoying doing...

As far as people cant get sucked into black hole thing... I dont allow murders in my game XD... Thanks for playing the game (couple of times as I can see from your review) and giving me these helpful reviews. I really appreciate the efforts and will be looking forward playing your game :)

oh yeah yeah yeah... I meant asset store

The game feels really polished . Unfortunately, the graphics were from the standard assets and would have loved custom  graphics.Good game overall . Well done! 

The amount of time that  was spent on the graphics can be seen .Really enjoyed it. Well done!

Enjoyed the pixel art. The melody was humming! Congratulations on the game

Loved the idea of the game and story you made behind it! Well done

(1 edit)

Damn the acid rain! I wan to live a peaceful life under the bunker! XD, Real nice game play! Well done!

Liked the games design and especially loved the drilling animation with the sound! Well done

Loved the drilling animation! Loved the pixel art! Strong submission over all welldone!

Maybe audio sound could have been a bit high, very nice game overall! Well done

Nice game in overall! The game has real nice strategy to it! Well done!

Game is well made in design! There are some really great levels in here! Maybe update the UI a bit for level selection and MORE LEVELS ;)

Want more levels! The games levels are surprisingly well made, they seem easy at first but the complexity begins as soon as we try the solving it! Well done 

Yes I am aware of the size inconsistencies but I had taken an artistic dicission for that, I wanted the fore ground to pop out more hence bigger pixels as compared to background... I enjoyed making the game and glad you enjoyed it!

Played it already buddy, and you posted this link on this thread twice before... really is a good game

Great concept! I feel a little polish is still needed, but overall was really good jam entry!

Really fun game and cool looking pencil graphics I would love to make such games in future! Thanks for sharing your games link

Really great concept in the game! I loved the puzzle level design! Well done

Well I guess I should have kept my debug script XD, I had a script to skip that particular location and get that special item... oh well may be I am lying and the script still works and you just have to find a proper key code to access it ;)

I consider myself as a kid too XD, not all adults behave like adults... anyways here's my game's link :

Pencil drawn animations always intrigues me! Well done on the game! It has perfect amount of gameplay needed to fell fun to play!

Nice game! I assume you used a look through shader for scissors! which made the botom of the plane glitchy, would have really felt nice if I had a map to know my position and the targets position! Nice concept though! Best luck

The teleporters were quite random unless I knew which teleporter teleports where except for that, the game concept is really unique to not go back from where you came from! Well done

Thats oddly specific... May I know the reason for only under 18 ;)

PS I am not under 18

You posted this games link before on this thread

I can see the amount of work given into this game! That too in a week! Amazing accomplishment well done!