I've started work on a game for this jam, though I'm double-dipping with the InspireJam (you can see my initial pitch/status post over there).
I'm working on a sort of Wreck-It Ralph style video game metaverse adaptation of Charge.
Right now, my plan is to use talent trees to represent different games, and give characters the usual defining qualities and also an ability to use power-ups.
My initial idea for power-ups is that they are basically a saved roll. When a character spends a Momentum, they can take a die from their result pool and save it for later. This ties into character details, since they need to have a power up that can apply to them (e.g. Running Shoes lets you activate this when you use a Move action, but maybe also a Sneak or Muscle action of certain sorts), and then "hold" that die for later use by spending another Momentum. As with any other Momentum effect, you can't gain Momentum on a roll you activate a Power-Up on (though you can gain Momentum on the roll you used to charge the Power-Up).
This is powerful, but I'm targeting this game at a younger audience and having this direct interaction with a character detail could be useful both from a "here's something I can use to define my character" and a "give players a lot of immediate agency" perspective.
Will this work well, or will it break things?