I like this game, especially plot and the NPC! Unfortunately, I've definitely found some points of frustration.
It's not clear to me which verbs are supported in this game (you can see in my game I made a menu where you can see all the verbs I used, which helps reduce the annoying activity of trying to guess what's acceptable).
It's good that you have some version of in-game hints, but they aren't easy to find. I eventually figured out I needed to mix stuff from the hint after turning the transmogrifier on, but it took me a long time to think of turning the transmogrifier on. I kept trying commands like hint and help and they didn't work. I did eventually think to ask the professor about the rocket, but that was hard to think of. If you want to stick to interactive hints, maybe look at the "acting confused" example in Inform 7 documentation?
The descriptions are a bit lacking: some things are missing descriptions entirely, and some things are described as being in the room yet when I try to look at them I'm told they don't exist (so flavor text doesn't translate to actual items).
I'm stuck now. I picked up everything that could be picked up (including stuff to the west (I got the key)) and I headed back to the lab. I told the professor about the spider person and he wants me to make the stuff to fend off the aliens. All that's left is something to run the countdown, but it says he's not interested in the watch yet. I tried waiting, but he's still not interested. I tried giving the transceiver to him, but he just gets all concerned and nothing changes as far as I can tell.
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