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A member registered Mar 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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I played your game on my stream, but I was confused about the controls for attacking. Even when I pressed the attack button, it seemed like enemies didn't take damage :(

(1 edit)

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! Let me know if you ever make an updated version, I'd love to see story mode.

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! I struggle with platformers but enjoyed what I was able to get to.

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream!

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream until it crashed. I enjoyed what I was able to play!

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! I didn't make it far due to my lack of skill, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! Let me know if you ever make an updated version. 

I played your game on my stream, but the witches never hurled curses at me for me to type the counter-curse! Not sure what went wrong :(

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! The idea of a grammar parser was really creative. I was a little bummed that praising Lorgoth's name didn't seem to have any effect (e.g., "by Lorgoth's great name may this door be open")

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! 

I tried to play your game but I was a bit confused on what to do...

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! Once I figured out the controls it was great, though I think there's still more for me to learn in terms of strategy. 

I tried to play your game on my stream, but it crashed for me pretty early on when I tried on desktop (right after some of that early intro text), and never loaded on html :(

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! I didn't get very far cause I was a bit confused by the controls. Reading the comments now it sounds like Ctrl ends your turn, so maybe I'll give the game another go when I stream tomorrow.

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! I didn't really understand the karma until the end oops lol. I would definitely have played through to try to get the other endings if the gameplay loop was a bit shorter. 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! Didn't get very far due to my lack of platforming skills, but I really like the concept.

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! I wasn't able to trigger cheat mode for some reason, but I still enjoyed playing. 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! Let me know if you ever make an updated one so I can experience the full gameplay.

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! 

Had a lot of fun playing your game on my stream! 

(1 edit)

Such a cool idea! The art and visuals were so cute and they all fit together very well. The controls were super hard, but I assume that was by design. A great challenge! I did run into some bugs - the key remapping didn't work, and even after refreshing the page the game didn't reset properly. Anyway, this was a lot of fun! I didn't notice until after reading other people's comments that the pun changes every time, so I had fun refreshing and reading the puns!

I like the plot and the humor! The minigames were a bit confusing for me, but I got the idea eventually. It felt a little brief/rushed, but that's totally understandable for a jam game. Much better to have something good that feels too short than to overscope and deliver a broken experience.

(1 edit)

Cool game! Smooth visuals (great shading and animations!) and solid gameplay mechanics. The only thing it's missing is audio. I'd totally play a physical card game version of this if it existed. I did run into a bug, though - if I can't play my card, there should be a way to draw (or a "game over" if that's what should happen when I can't play).

Cool game! I didn't make it very far due to the difficulty, but I enjoyed the audio and the challenge of trying to make those narrow turns.

Great game! Satisfying audio and visuals, and solid level design. This game is also a good example of how even really simple animations (jellyfish movement, pearl collection) make the game feel way cooler. Would have liked to see more variety - new mechanics, other types of enemies, etc. Maybe that came later and I died too soon to see it. Regardless, I enjoyed your entry.

Awesome game! Loved the audio and the controls. Visuals were nice - I especially liked the jumping animation and the fish rain. Unfortunately I didn't make it far enough to get the second type of fish swarm, but I enjoyed what I was able to play.

Controls took a while to get used to, but this was so much fun! Oh, to be a dolphin whirling through the water at breakneck speeds to intense, hyper music! There were some things in the menu I never figured out how to do (e.g., aerials). Also I just realized as I'm writing this, I completely missed the SHIFT control to shoot bubbles, oops! I gotta get better at reading descriptions. Never did figure out the second game mode. Wondering if it has to do with the fishing cat?

Simple, easy to understand mechanics, and fun minigames. Nice art. Excellent puns! I wish there was more audio to go along with this. Also, it felt like a lot of minigame time would be required before I could upgrade my stats enough to win the battles, but maybe it's just that I hit your game after I'd already been streaming for a couple hours so I had less patience lol. Anyway, cool game!

Cool! I love the art and it seems like the beginnings of a really fun game, frantically trying to get everything in order. Let me know when the update comes out!

Fun! I love how each tower really fit the theme and had a unique ability based on what creature it was. Cool audio and visuals! Unfortunately, the balancing seemed to be off: I was getting lots of money and had no limit on the number of towers placed, so there were no constraints to challenge me. If you ever get around to updating the game post jam, I'd love to give it another go!

Cool game! I liked the visuals, including the background that moves. Appreciated the variety with multiple enemy types and the separation between diver and submarine. A new take on some classic platforming mechanics. Would have loved to see more audio, especially music and maybe a few more sfx, especially for things like getting hit. 

Fun game! I liked the spells and the sound effects! The ragdoll physics was innovative, but definitely a challenge. I wasn't able to complete the game due to my lack of skill, but I enjoyed what I was able to finish.

This was fun! I had a hard time finding the right balance between too hard and too easy, but I'm sure if I spent some more time tweaking the settings I'd find the sweet spot. Lots of cool mechanics and I appreciated that there were conflicting properties (e.g., frogmen scared by the light, but fishlings are lured by the light). I don't think I saw all of the enemies, but I did get to experience a few. I really liked the audio and the visuals. Also, points for originality! I've played tower defense, but nothing quite like this.

Creative idea and fun gameplay! Not as hard as I was afraid it would be, but still a fun challenge. Excellent job with the tutorial. With a game this complex, a good tutorial is essential, and you nailed it. I found the controls to look around a bit confusing, but otherwise things felt pretty smooth. Loved the sfx! Cool visuals, too! The only thing missing assets-wise is music.