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Restraints on the Purity of the Cledonomancy

A topic by My_Name_Might_Be_Bird created Dec 28, 2022 Views: 96 Replies: 2
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I have been able to come up with a central theme for the game I am interested in running. However, I am concerned that, essentially, it might not be "Cledonomantic" enough, as it involves choosing from a list, but the provided list being something that is provided from the non-random randomness source. Would this fit within the confines of the jam?

To be more specific (but keeping it seperate for anyone who wants to be surprised by my entry), I'm wanting "rolls" to be performed by stating a single word description of the action being performed (like cut, persuade, dodge), finding that word in a thesaurus, and being forced to pick a synonym from that word's thesaurus entry. That new word is now the action that they are performing. Either before, after, or simultaneously, and possibly in secret, the defending entity uses their descriptor for what is being affected, (these are written on their character sheet, and change throughout the game as is about to be described) finds that word in the same or an identical copy of said thesaurus, and chooses a synonym from that word's thesaurus entry (they can not choose a word that has already occupied that descriptor slot). Whichever new word is the longest wins that round, and action is decided accordingly. (Encourages being willing to lose certain rounds for the sake of being able to save longer words for more important situations, action words might be tied to a tool so that way they also can't be used twice, details details details.) Does the fact that the word is *chosen* out of the list the Thesaurus provides mean that it is no longer Cledonomantic determination?

I also understand I am very late to the jam, we are all about to be impressed if I can toss this together.


I would also like to clarify I understand that the attacker currently has a fairly extreme advantage. I have plans to balance this out/force less player choice in that regard relating to associating actions with tools.


Hi! No worries on joining late, first off. This definitely is a grey area, but I think the fact that the exact list of words for an action is somewhat unknown before the player looks at their word's entry counts for something—Fugitive Names makes room for a player to go to a location they're familiar with and choose what elements of the space they want to make their name with, and the cledonomantic randomness there lies in not knowing exactly will happen or catch the player's eye on this particular visit. There might be a way to make the source for the word list (and/or the factor that determines which source you use) more cledonomantic, but the premise of this game is already so cool as is, and definitely fits the spirit of mechanic exploration I made this jam in mind with.