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Fox with a Fountain Pen

A member registered May 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi! No worries on joining late, first off. This definitely is a grey area, but I think the fact that the exact list of words for an action is somewhat unknown before the player looks at their word's entry counts for something—Fugitive Names makes room for a player to go to a location they're familiar with and choose what elements of the space they want to make their name with, and the cledonomantic randomness there lies in not knowing exactly will happen or catch the player's eye on this particular visit. There might be a way to make the source for the word list (and/or the factor that determines which source you use) more cledonomantic, but the premise of this game is already so cool as is, and definitely fits the spirit of mechanic exploration I made this jam in mind with.

Hi! So sorry I didn't see this before. Yes, games made before the jam are welcome too ^^

The ritual now comes in audio form! There's a file that comes with a preface explaining the differences between the recording and the original text, and a file that's just the readalong audio.

Hi, thank you so much! Currently the game doesn't have other options besides the pdf, but at one point I'd considered turning just the ritual part into a guided meditation, and found that getting the timing and rewording right discouraged me from doing it. It hadn't occurred to me then to record the whole game in audio form, so I think I'll do that and let you know when it's uploaded here. I really hope you enjoy it!

Fixed! Thank you very much, I don't know how I didn't spot that ^^:

(1 edit)

  There is a creature growing inside you, changing you, undoing what was done over you. Each day offers the risk of a new transformation, a step closer to your Wild Self.

   It is up to you and your experiences whether this is something you fight or embrace.

Hi, everyone! I'm very excited to have just released my first physical game to It's a journaling game where you write from the perspective of a character going about life as best they can as they steadily turn into a monster. Card draws and dice rolls (and the occasional coin flip) help to guide the narrative, determining how you transform, what situations you encounter, how your past experiences as a burgeoning creature frame your future actions, what thoughts trouble and comfort you throughout the process, and what dreams seek to awaken that part of you that is more than either human or monster.

I started writing this game last December as an exploration of acceptance when your self-image has been sculpted by those around you for so long, and the potential you hold within you outside of that framework can feel oddly unfamiliar. It's about learning to take up space when making yourself small for others stops being an option, learning to love who you're becoming even when that change is scary.

Some features I particularly like include card-suit-based character stats themed around systems of the body and their symbology, a dream mechanic that occasionally incorporates specific player actions as a way of generating results, and a 58.3% chance of having your character be able to glow in the dark!

Due to its long-form design, the game is currently in playtesting as of the launch, so I plan to give updates (about and/or to the game) as that progresses.

Download the game here! 

Some sneak peek images down below: