This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-11-12 22:00:00 to 2021-11-15 02:25:00. View results

Welcome to CoCo Jam 2021! 

CoCo Jam is a 48-hour game making marathon from 12th to 15th of November where participants collaborate together and make games. Organized by Concordia Game Dev & ETS Conjure, CoCo Jam's goal is to bring all sorts of people together to collaborate and create games regardless of the skill level. Both beginners and veterans are welcome to join us for a weekend of developing games and have fun. 

This year, the committee has decided to make it as online game jam due to Covid-19. We created a dedicated discord server where you can meet and work with other jammers. We hope that all of you can learn something from this game jam and enjoy this event!

Discord Server Link

The theme will be announced in the opening ceremony.

The schedule of the game jam will be announced soon

Our current partners including Ubisoft, Unity and have graciously offered to share their expertise on game development to all of you and get you prepared for the jam, so please join us during their livestreams to learn from the experts themselves. They will also be helping with the jam's prizes and host networking sessions for possible recruitment opportunities.

Note: More partners may join in to add more workshops, so please be aware that these schedules are subject to change

Don't forget to join our discord server  to participate on the jam, form team with other jammers and also to watch the livestreams of the workshops. See you there!   


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Windows (7)
macOS (1)
Linux (1)

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Paper Plane Simulator
Our contribution the Cocojam 2021
Visual Novel
While my body may be frozen, these explosives sure move me
You play a young valet trying to help ghosts find their way within the cursed resort.
Give animals directions so they get to their destinations before time runs out!