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games reskin is allowed?

A topic by Enier art created Oct 17, 2023 Views: 213 Replies: 3
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I have seen more than one game that is using the assets as they are given in the demos on some pages and the only thing they change is a sprite and they give it a new name and other projects that use the complete code of other projects that are already made.

I understand the part about using art if you have permission.

But is using a game that already works and just doing a reskin allowed?


No, that is not allowed. We did see that there were multiple submissions sent for the same games. We're also taking that into account. Are there any games specifically that you want to call out for us to flag?

this is the submission in the jam

and this is the source page where is the game, code, art, etc.

this is a game that is done and ready to download and the jammer just adds over the eagle sprite and head sprite and add some screens to apply in the theme, but is using a functional game that is already made.


Thank you for sharing! We’ll send the information to our judges for evaluation.