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Composer looking for a team!

A topic by lukasz-kosturek created Aug 29, 2022 Views: 228 Replies: 3
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Hello everybody!

I'd like to take part in my first game jam and I'm looking for a team that needs a composer :)
Here's my soundcloud:

Contact me here or on discord: Lukasz Kosturek#4663

I'm also looking for a team, I can draw pixel 2d graphics and create small 2d games for the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 engine. I'm 14 years old and I'm learning the basics of game design. In general, write to me if you are interested. My Discord Savelka#1641


I send you invite on discord WojtekWesolowski#3391

Hi!u still need people? im a programmer and a noob voxel artist