I think these are the worst controls I've ever seen in a game, and that's saying something. It took me five minutes to figure out how to move. I'm honestly impressed.
Also, I managed to walk off the top left of the screen and get lost forever with no hope of return. Nice little fate-worse-than-death scenario!
unclarity of rules- Like I said, it took me five minutes to figure out how to move. I actually thought it was completely impossible before I realized what you're supposed to do.
visual ugliness- The images that aren't hand drawn are pretty okay. The ones that are, are... a little nausea-inducing.
audio mismatch- The audio is er, not particularly pleasant, but I could see bagpipes conceivably being used in some sort of epic adventure. The death screams do indeed sound like someone is dying, which is painful on the ears, but fitting.
unplayability- Like I said, it took me five minutes to understand the basic controls. Even when I did finally understand them, though, they were unfailingly unpleasant, and as mentioned above, can actually lead to a softlock.
misinterpretation of the topic- The story is, sparse, shall we say, but it doesn't seem to actually twist the topic in any particular way.
overall irritation/disappointment/cringe- Every moment of gameplay is painful on both a mental and physical level. The cool looking gateway-thing is completely useless, and there's no way to really win. I found myself recoiling from my screen and hitting the mute button on the browser tab as soon as the game loaded.
I really, really hate it. Good job.
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