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Pixelartist looking to teamup

A topic by Pixel Titan created Feb 13, 2021 Views: 222 Replies: 2
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Hi! I'm looking for a programmer and potentially someone to do the sound design. 

I do have basic idea of story and theme, I think it would be a pretty neat story if the worlds exisitance would slowly crumble forcing you as a lone weak adventurer into the only place remaining, the dungeon. Feels like you could have some intresting mechanics, perhaps have an "existance" bar instead of a health bar and so forth. This is of course a team effort so if you have any other bright idea then we can go with that instead but if we do use this one then I do have some previous art that would work great in very least as a base:

Here is some of my other stuff:

Hi there! I’m a programmer looking to team up with an artist! Though I’m not sure yet how much time I will be able to dedicate to this jam, I do want to at least get something fun submitted, and I’ve done my share of gamejams in the past.

You certainly have some amazing looking pixel art, very stylish. Would be interested to team up, for sure. I’m on the Dungeon Crawlers discord if you’d like to discuss. :)

Messaged you on Discord!