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But why?

A topic by Mattgamei5YT created Apr 17, 2019 Views: 748 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 7

Why is a decade enough to make a game that would have probably taken 15m to make, then wait the decade?


Because not all games make fifteen minutes to make.
I have plenty of game stuff i've worked on and which were never released, but which i could probably release some day in the future. This jam is just a reminder to tell you that you should probably take your time :) you never rush a game for a good reason.


You can submit as many games as you'd like. I see this jam as an experiment to see what would happen with a long-term jam.

(1 edit) (+9)

I think the better question is

why not?


But why not?


Very good question and i cannot find any good answer.

