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DevLog: Honey Things

A topic by AdamStrange created Oct 04, 2019 Views: 476 Replies: 21
Viewing posts 1 to 21

working on graphics and basic movement:


got some candy corn as an enemy now :)


today is all about trying out animations for the main character:


lots more graphics to design:

plus the title:


Main character is a bear called Redd. and now i've got a wasp for him and a basic play area:


first screen i'm working on

Screenshot 2019-09-19 at 11.54.54

and some animation frames:

Screenshot 2019-09-25 at 06.06.00

Need to get it all together so I can test the walk cycle :)


walk cycle finished :)



working on a boss - not sure about it though (looks too blocky), but I'm happy with the look of everything else :)

Screenshot 2019-09-28 at 07.19.08


just been messing with sound... Very funky!


today is all about crates - I've got a sokoban vibe going on with them...



Who killed the boss?

Screenshot 2019-09-30 at 08.34.10


Thought I'd show something a bit different today. music and production method.

The sound is being provided by a custom written system called QasarBeach. so everything you hear is being created in realtime.

Here's a look at QasarBeach editing some sound:

Screenshot 2019-04-17 at 07.37.35

And here editing part of a music track:

Screenshot 2019-04-17 at 07.38.12


and the end nears quicker...

Screenshot 2019-10-18 at 07.56.34.png


Yay it's an insect lord...

Screenshot 2019-10-01 at 08.49.38


time for testing and testing and testing...

Thanks for your efforts. Looks awesome.

wonder why the stairways downwards become brighter to the bottom (where less light will shine on them) ...


the light shows there is something down there... :)

I thought that too - but then stuff must (dunno if it does) "flicker" like the flame of a torch which brightens some stairs - and maybe even the color must ressemble the colors - eg a light orange-red-yellow-animation-flicker-thing.


OK. I'm done...



I was not sure about the postmortum when submitting the game, so I am putting it here as well :)

This is my first post mortem, so I’ll try to do the best I can with it.

Let’s start with the things that went well:

  1. First off everything got finished, the game came together and feels more or less cohesive. I am particularly happy with how everything feels like it all connects. the sound feels right, the music, etc.
  2. It took five weeks from start to finish to create everything for the game: graphics, music, sound
  3. It was relatively simple to update all versions of MX2 (the programming language/environment) so that Windows and Linux ‘just worked’
  4. The new sound core works perfectly across all platforms with no issues being flagged.
  5. All tools were utilised well and worked well together. This meant I could have the tools open, edit stuff and just run and see the results instantly.

Now let’s get dirty and see what things I feel didn’t work, or could be improved.

  1. Sound. I’m not happy with the new sound core. I feel that it really need to be stripped and the junk removed and the code tightened up. But I am happy that it all works. That means what I thought could be done, has been proved. Also I am not too happy about file sizes for sequences.
  2. Again I started the project with no real goal, and nearly dumped it halfway through. I am not sure how to approach this one as I have a tendency to create and let the results guide the process.
  3. I am definitely not happy with some of the screen issues with sprites. this is down to the order they are drawn onscreen. In this case it more of what you learn as you code.
  4. Input from others was extremely helpful in tweaking and modifying things. This also helped in having a guiding voice that said “Have you tried this”, “Wouldn’t it be great if…”. Must be able to step back from that voice and filter things otherwise you get nothing done at all.
  5. The mapping tool need some work to get it into shape. there are a lot of rough edges that need fixing - particularly the list code with selections. This needs lots of work to get right!

All in all I am very happy that I could spend much more time with ‘the game’ rather that ‘the tools’. I really enjoyed the graphics, tweaking pixels and finding new ways of working was great. I also enjoyed having the sequencer fully operational so I could listen to tracks while play testing and before the sound was actually put in the game. It’s an interesting feeling when all the separate bits and tools all finally come together.

I also have enjoyed seeing how others have approached things. The dev-logs have been inspiring and regardless of how finished the projects are at the end. We all learned something from the process. Brilliant :)


Been hunting some elusive little bugs - Thanks to all those who pointed anything out :)

I'll be updating in the next day with the fixes


HoneyThings has been updated to 1.02 - thanks to anyone who submitted things and bugs :)

Link to page

Here's a list of changes:


- bugfixes

- audio fixes

- fatal pause with bosses fixed

- honey addition text now onscreen for longer

- chaos lords text starts correctly

- extra life added to first boss