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A member registered Jan 31, 2016 · View creator page →

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both QB and Alias use newer timing systems deved for Alias, so it will be much better ;)

No. Currently QB doesn't have external out mapping :(

you use PAGE R to compose the song. And then use PAGE 8 (SAMPLING) set to INTERNAL. this will record the playing song. transfer the recording to a voice and then save that voice ;)

that is a very good question. :)

Unfortunately there is a bug in the current version that stops the door from being opened. But there will be another version with all the bugs fixed ;)

mmm, very interesting. I'll get onto the inventory and begin sorting out these issues. Al other issues are now also being looked into :)

Had to go back and check the NPCs as I didn't think I came across them.

On replaying, just took the pre-made group, gave me 2 options rest, leave and sat there, so I left and it took me to the raised start area. I didn't encounter any NPC until the first encounter. So no I didn't meet any NPC to talk to.

Unless you are not meant to attack them? <- if this is the case then I would suggest not allowing you to attack NPC until after you have chatted to them?

What would grab me - a difficult question.... ?

I really like the art style. And the game start screen. What would be cool, would be to fade the screen into the empty location (no people or stuff, just the grey wall with the gap into the 'tower'?. I would have no music. Go into a corridor with a door at the end. In front of the door is the last member of your party.

"hey you made it, Blah said you would come and help. Nasty has taken the (thing). I'm here to help. Help me obiwan, you're the only hope' etc"

You have 2 options: join - and xx opens the door, the music starts and you go in

leave/ dont join. xx is not happy and fights you - you die.

That would set the scene, give you a reason to be there, give you an option, etc.

The other suggestion would be to plan and have set pieces with enemies and rewards. some you will need to fight, some you could go around. fight/reward balance.

I liked that you could see a key and wanted it - unfortunately when I got to the key I could pick it up or get it.

my sage advice is this:

you are not making a game for you - you are making it for others to play and enjoy. Always have that in the back of your mind.

I liked the narrator - very well done.

basic but usable graphics and the sound went well with it.

What was with all the keys? F to do this C to do this. what about using space and trying to be more user friendly?

Apart from that is was ok, apart from the keys...

short but sweet. reasonable graphics. Maybe use a font more suited to the style though.

Also think about the keyboard - if you are using that then why drop back to using the mouse - very clumsy and gets in the way of playing it.

I liked the style but didn't like the janky controls. keyboard for this, mouse for that. no help and no logic to it either - not the best start.

The camera got bleached when you were close to things - again maybe trying for the madness thing, but didn't really work and wasn't nice to play.

The real nail was the anti control scheme. you felt like it was always fighting you. stop the action press the mouse, now use the keys, now do something else - Just not a good experience.

But I liked the graphics and the general concepts

Loved the graphics style - so well constructed and fitted with the 3d - excellent work.

I also loved the hand-made sound effects - everything worked well :)

Excellent - Loved the combat - very nice and fluid. movement seems fine too.

Wasn't fussed by the music - sort of sounded a bit janky.

The dungeon itself could do with some light and sense of place. it just feels like the same ole thing. give it a bit of atmos and some unique places, maybe some traps. and it would ge great.

But kudos to the combat - This makes it - brilliant ! :)

Instantly I loved the style. the graphics and sound are well integrated.

But there was no drive to go on once I randomly died.

Controls were nice. The standout is the graphics style. It would have been nice if the book hand lowered when not needed though.

This could be an interesting game if fleshed out and tightened up a bit.

Nice entry :)

Very nice locations and feel. I particularly liked all the different places.

I wasn't sure how the mini map worked, it seemed a bit blobby and showing more or less that what you think it should - maybe it was an overview?

Movement was nice and snappy, as was combat.

My only negative was it 'didn't grab me'. Did I want to play on - not really. there didn't seem like there was a quest or story to engage with.

But I did like the attention to the environments.

Nice. simple, controls and movement could have been a bit quicker, but not to shabby.

Where this shines is the monster graphics - stunning !

Nice graphics - particularly the opening and backgrounds.

I wasn't a fan of the AI text narration.

A pity the arrow key couldn't be used too.

I found the combat the most annoying as you didn't get time to work out what to do, what to click before the monster had moved and alrady hit you.

But a nice job :)

Sorry - I got distracted. I'll get the fixes sorted and up today - promise :)

Very nice. great graphics and sound.

I would have liked the arrow keys to be an option.

Did get on well with the spell system - there wasn't an obvious way it worked, but I thought that it was a nice addition, so well done on that front.

Combat was fair if a little clunky.

Overall a nice entry :)

I loved the setting and the map itself - everything fit really nicely.

You are a hedgehog - brilliant \o/

But I didn't like the AI voice. sound mixing was not too good. load background tune,  quiet voices.

When you meed things - their render and design stye changes and they feel out of place :(

Also the left block of help seems a bit heavy - maybe have it as an overlay if wanted?

First off the graphics - Clucking amazing. you nailed the atmos completely, the lightning everything well done.

movement was a bit slow, some enemies or traps, etc would have been nice. Also the floors are very 'smooth', almost glassy  I would suggest a material change and also add some vegetation or other stuff to break it up a bit.

But It looks a solid start for something :)

I really liked the mono 1bit graphics - well done on that front. Sound is find.

I found the tile size to be a bit small, and missed the ability to strafe, also wasn't a fan of the combat, as it takes you out of the scene and jars a bit.

There seems to be some form of issue with objects not being centered correctly on tiles. when you are next to the they sort of rotate round the tile and not pivot in the centre

But I do really like the presentation and the graphics :)

Nice graphics and well integrated sound. But movement is just too slow to be playable :(

Nice - simple and straight to the point. Would have been better with strafing keys and maybe some puzzles. even a timer to get to the next point would have been good.

The trees could maybe have had some more detail, but overall simple and fun :)

unfortunately the game loads - but when I click play game the sea sound starts but the menu stays put, and the game doesn't show :(

Such a great entry. Very challenging but great looking graphics.

Excellent entry - did you make all the assets?

Everything worked 'generally well, although It would have been nicer to have things just that bit bigger in the UI.

The one thing I intensely disliked were the voices - particularly the annoying woman. Nothing she said was worth anything, and the other voice didn't add much beyond - 'ah ai voices cool', buy they get annoying quickly.

But the annoying woman is a complete deal breaker. for me personally I didn't get much further that the mine as I had to find some was to stop her speaking. :(

But the movement and completeness was done very well.

Hmmm. All excellent feedback - especially the clipping and speed issues. the speed has been mentioned before and I'll look into this closely.

excellent - you got that far - very impressed.

You've given me a lot to chew over in superb detail. I'll get onto fixing the bugs/features.

There is a wait key - press 'P'. It's not listed in the controls

excellent entry - love the graphics style - well done :)

No problem. What system are you running it on, so I can gauge the speed issue?

OK/ meet binro. get the quest for the dead fish. find the fish, pick them up and go speak to binro he should drop a club.

Behind you is a small beach spur - go to  the end where you will find some boots, rock - dont go next to the tentacles they will kill you.

now go through the open rock arch - you should put any clothes you have found on. I for inventory, clci an item and click when to put it.

put the club in 1 of your hands. You should now be able to attack the 1st snail. Use Keys 1/2 to swing the club (attack)

Speak to the next binro - he will give you a health potion. drink this potion by dropping it on the lips...

And off we go :)

first off - I'm really glad that you got off level 1 into the under temple. Yep I also agree with everything you have sad about the bugs and health bump. You are also the first person to mention throwing things - so that is good for me too. But I do take all the issues with the quest bugs and menu errors. I'm onto fixing everything I can :)

Very nice. I liked the general theme and implementation. The graphics are a bit simple and can get repetitive. I liked the simple combat, but there didn't feel a good progression. I would have liked to seen more variety of places. as it can be disorientating after a while. but nice entry ;)

Thanks for all the feedback - everything is noted and being looked at.

I've already sorted the hit health situation, but this gives me a lot of directions to look into - excellent :)

that's interesting - were you arounf the cannery when this happend? had you drunk any potions?

I completely agree - it something I'm removing after the jam

Nice and atmospheric

no proble - any pointers just let me know :)

This is not a mac game

I wanted to like this one, but was not happy about the use of mouse and keyboard.

After finding the wasd movement. it looked like there was nothing to do and nowhere to go. Clicking on the door with the mouse was not what I was thinking and the game gave no indication that you need to do it - what happend to pressing a key or giving some feedback to the user.

There was also no real UI or thought given to how a dungeon crawler operates. 

I did like the graphics and the atmosphere was well set out. I felt the tile size was maybe a little too big though.

Not a mac game :(

I was really looking forward to this one as I was following the dev pics with interest.

title menu and graphics top notch. but when the game started, I felt the graphics style changed from the more retro low res to a higher (les interesting) res.

Movement was ok, but felt a little sluggish.

I got the calimari and pressed the red button next to it and the game froze, so had to start again.

My biggest gripe was the combat. From the dev pics I was expecting something interesting. what I got was 2 pics for an attack, and the pics were pixelated and big and not nice to look at.

What was I wanting?

I wanted to go around banging stuff with the frying pan. I wanted CLANG, and THUD noises. I wanted to be able to sneak up on something and batter it sensless while smiling all the time. I didn't get that :(

What I did get was sorta ordinary. sorta wander, poke, Meh!

Give me the Battering Pan and a good ole THWOK!

You fo get better point for taking the pics. Next time focus on the gameplay and the THWOK. I still hanker hunting banging and cooking... :)