Hi all! I'm Cas, aged 44 and three quarters. I entered the last Brackeys Game Jam and made Chaos Canyon, a whitewater tubing arcade action game. Happy with the way this turned out I then entered the recent Improve Your Game Jam and crunched for a week. Ratings are now open for this jam and I'd love to hear what you think:
I've joined this jam as I'd like to slow my pace down from sprinting to more of a marathon pace as I'd like to see this game through to the end without getting burned out.
For the next week I'm going to focus on making a website for my game as I'd like to send out an email newsletter once a month for those who are interested. After that, I'd like to refactor what I've coded so far, so the process of level design is more streamlined.
I'm looking forward to finding my own pace and seeing what everyone is developing. If anyone takes the time to play and rate my game with the link above, I'll make sure to play and rate theirs. Happy jamming everyone!