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Cas Windsor

A member registered Apr 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi all!  I hope everyone has had better luck than I have.  I've been trying to develop a timeline based combat system but it's been a total disaster.  My timeline system behaves differently in the editor play mode than it does in a build and differently again at different resolutions.

Tomorrow morning I'm off to house and animal sit and I won't be back home until after the deadline, so I'm going to call it quits now and won't be submitting anything to this particular jam.

Next week I'm going to remove the timeline idea completely and make a simpler turn-based combat system.

Best of luck to everyone taking part.  Maybe I'll see you again in a different jam.

Hey.  Just tried the game again just now and everything seems to be working.  I can't seem to replicate the issue.  Have tried a few restarts with and without full screen. Managed to play through the first level but died to the second one.

Hey.  Best of luck with your AI work.  I tried the web build yesterday but couldn't get it to work.  It starts fine but just stops when you click a button and doesn't start again until you right-click.

Ok, good luck with the AI.  Which of your games are you working on?

Cool.  I just had a read of your devlog.  Good luck with the refactoring.

Hi all!  I've sign up for this jam in the hopes it will give me the motivation to complete the combat system for my Vampire RPG "Shadowplay".


I've signed a contract to develop my game under the terms of World of Darkness: Unbound.  This game was my entry for the 2021 Vampire World of Darkness Jam but back then I got stuck and sidetracked into oblivion.  I spent a ton of time making the game look and sound pretty but not nearly enough time getting the combat to work.  You can download and try it if you like but it's pretty janky.

This time around I'm going to solely focus on getting a functional combat system up and running.  Polish and good looks be damned!

I'm interested to find out what other people are up to.  What are you planning to get done by the end of this jam?  Let me know!

Does anyone here own a Tilt Five?  I'd like to make a simple bat and ball game which is restricted to 2D but has a holographic 3D aesthetic.

The only problem is I don't think many people will have a Tilt Five, so it's possible no one here will be able to play it.  :\  I've entered a few game jams before, so know from experience there won't be time to make multiple versions.

If you own a Tilt Five and would like to play or test a holographic arcade game, please give me a shout here.  It would really help my motivation to know someone can play it.

Just a super short video this week... 

Hope everyone is doing well.  I've managed to make a huge mess of one of my scripts so haven't made a lot of progress.  Saying that, I've at least managed to make an opening dialogue sequence and added the fight sequence above.

I was hoping not having to crunch but it now seems inevitable.  Just 3 days left.  Good luck all!

Cheers guys!  Hopefully I'll have something playable by the end of the jam.

I've also started on the main menu...

As well as a dialogue system and the first main scene...

I have a short story in mind but have no idea if I'll manage to complete everything in time.  It might just end up as a short combat prototype.

Hope everyone is making good progress.  Let me know your thoughts.

Here's my week 3 progress...

The combat system has had a lot of additions which you can see in the video.

  • Healing and feeding animations added
  • Blood splatter visual effects added
  • Health, Blood and Vitae sliders now change over time
  • Extra frenzied player state added
  • The battle scene now has a dynamic music loop system which tracks how close or far the player is from victory and swaps out the next music loop accordingly
  • Enemies can be drained to the point of death, much to the delight of the Beast
  • The player character will now cheer if they win
  • The zombie will now roar on their turn and if it defeats a character it will chow down
  • At the end of battle the curtain will fall
(1 edit)

So, here's how it's looking towards the end of week 2.  A basic, functioning turn-based combat system is in place.  I was hoping to get more done today but have been plagued by Unity crashes, around about eight crashes today in total, even after updating everything I can think of.

Anyway, it's a start and I'd love to hear what you think.

I'd like to find some theatrical piano music to go with it but haven't been able to find anything to fit.  If anyone would like to put some music together then let me know.  Happy jamming everyone!

Hey!  Thanks for all the positive feedback, it's keeping me motivated.  Today I've been working on two player characters and struggling with raycasting issues.  I will add a small video here each Friday if people are interested in my progress.  Cheers!

This is a mock-up for my possible entry.  The general idea is to make a turn-based RPG combat game, similar to Darkest Dungeon where you take control of a small coterie of vampires and try to get to safety before sunrise.  The graphics are meant to give the impression of a Victorian Shadowplay or shadow puppet theatre.

Please feel free to roast my work.  All ideas are welcome.

If anyone wants to team up then give me a shout.  I'd be especially interested if anyone wants to do some character art and make some cool looking silhouettes in FBX format.  This would give me more time to code.  I'll be trying to make this in Unity.

Chaos Canyon Landing Page

Today I put together a simple landing page using Wix.  Interested players can now sign up for a monthly newsletter.

Give it a try here:


Hey!  Have played and rated.  Not a bad space shooter, all the ships look great, and the laser sounds are nice and meaty.  I'd like to see some death explosion animations and maybe an objective to head towards, like maybe you're a smuggler trying to escape to a planet or something.  Overall, well done.

Hi all! I'm Cas, aged 44 and three quarters. I entered the last Brackeys Game Jam and made Chaos Canyon, a whitewater tubing arcade action game. Happy with the way this turned out I then entered the recent Improve Your Game Jam and crunched for a week. Ratings are now open for this jam and I'd love to hear what you think:


I've joined this jam as I'd like to slow my pace down from sprinting to more of a marathon pace as I'd like to see this game through to the end without getting burned out.

For the next week I'm going to focus on making a website for my game as I'd like to send out an email newsletter once a month for those who are interested. After that, I'd like to refactor what I've coded so far, so the process of level design is more streamlined.

I'm looking forward to finding my own pace and seeing what everyone is developing.   If anyone takes the time to play and rate my game with the link above, I'll make sure to play and rate theirs.  Happy jamming everyone!

Hey!  Have played and rated.  You've made a fun Boulder Dash style game there.  It reminded me of Icicle Works back in the days of the C16 plus 4.  I'm not sure what the time bar is supposed to do though.  Does it spawn the thing that runs at you and kills you?  I'd quite like to see a scoreboard or maybe some kind of level progression.  Well done for completing the jam!

Awesome!  Glad you enjoyed it.  If you got as far as the timed section then you weren't far from the end.  Thanks for giving it a go.

Hey!  Have played and rated your game.  It looks like it's coming along nicely, I especially like the memory puzzle style combat.  The exploration part reminded me of one of the first games I ever owned called Treasure Island on the C16 plus 4.  There is a lot of text to get through before the action starts though.  I was thinking that maybe it would be best to throw the player straight into the action then slowly add story elements over time.  Also, I'd like to have seen some more details in your DevLog about what specifically has been added to the new in this version.  Well done for completing the Jam!

I'm struggling to find people to play my game and I'd love to hear what you think of my entry.

I think the main problem was on the front end before starting the game.  The text explaining the mission seemed crammed to the left margin.  This part especially could use a larger panel or maybe a border.  It might save you some time and work if you buy a GUI pack from the asset store.  I bought this one in a Humble Bundle but it might not suit the style of your game.


Hey!  Have played and rated.  It looks like you have the basis for a fun top down shooter/combat game.  I'd like to see some more wild west enemy types.  Well done for completing the jam!

The sound and music was great, I think I go to the same website for music that you do (FreePD music).  I'd have liked to see something going on with the terrain with hills to give the player an advantage or trees and rocks to protect from arrows.  Also, the look of the UI could do with a bit of love.  Maybe upgrade somehow from the default grey boxes and indent the text from the edges a bit.

Super cool.  Have just played through your King Arthur mission and put up my rating.  I'm loving the Total War vibes.  This game has great potential and had fun playing it through.  I found myself wishing I could lock the formations somehow or maybe use control+number to make my own groups.  

Also, I couldn't figure out how to use the items like grenades etc.  I could choose them but couldn't throw them.  Well done for fleshing out your DevLog too, it looks like not many have actually bothered.

Hey!  Have just played and rated.  I think you have something really fun here and it looks like you've made great progress.  I find the mouse wheel to change weapons a bit spammy (but that's just me), not just in your game but in most FPS games too so I usually use the number keys.  Unfortunately, this seems broken at the moment.

You don't seem to have a DevLog posted for this jam.  There are no new videos on your YouTube page.  I'd have liked to see what improvements you made during the jam.

I can't find your devlog.  This link above doesn't seem to go anywhere.

Hi all!  I uploaded my game last night but have only just updated all the screenshots today.


It's a whitewater tubing game for windows with two builds, one for powerful machines (Complex water) and one for less powerful machines (Simple water).

I would love to hear what you think of my game so far, so please download, play and rate.  I will try to play and rate all the entries to this jam if I get time but will prioritise those who post their games here as well as those who play and rate mine.

Good luck everyone!

Cool.  Brackeys was my 4th jam as well, also the first time I've been genuinely happy about my jam submission.

For this jam I'll be fixing up the controls, working on the visual feedback players get from the controls and making the difficulty level less severe by adding some super easy levels.

Ok, never mind.  I've tried these weekend only game jams before and they're no good for me.  I can come up with something worthwhile in 72 hours, but 72 hours is two working weeks.  For me, the most actual time I can spend over the weekend is maybe 8 hours or 12 hours at a push.  I will look out for Score Space in the future, just in case you decide to run a week-long or longer jam.  Thanks for your reply.

I've read the rules but can't find an answer to this...

I don't think I can really make anything worthwhile in two days without me burning out and getting stressed, but I have a few broken prototypes and half-finished games which I could improve on.  Is it okay to revive one of my old games and code in scoring and a high score table to it?

To be honest, if it's just one weekend, I don't think I could do much more than just code a high score system.

Great fun, really well done.  Congrats for winning the Brackeys Jam!

Hi all!  I just completed and got my ratings for the Brackeys Game Jam.  I'm mostly happy with how my game worked out but it also had some major flaws, which I'm hoping to fix here.

If anyone has come here from the same jam, please give me a shout!

Hi all.  Not sure if anyone else has joined this:


The above game jam starts in 11 days and it would be cool to see some of you guys there.

I'm rebuilding my game almost from scratch and using the above game jam so I have a deadline to work towards.

Hopefully see you there!