So this is curious.
When plotting out a level in the RGM editor, an experienced dev will be making conscious decisions about the layout: perhaps they've got wall textures or sprites that serve as signposts and as such need to be accurately placed so the player doesn't get needlessly confused, or maybe they're demaking a famous stage from an existing franchise. Either way, the placing of elements is important, right?
When looking at the level editor, I'd assume the view is from a top-down perspective. The first level I built had the player start in a small room with a single exit to a corridor leading to a larger room, with a second exit off to the player's right.
In game however, that second exit appears to the left.
Not a big deal in itself - I can always read the editor view as a face-down blueprint (as weird as that is) - but a knock-on problem is it makes the in-game minimap very misleading.
Is this just a peculiarity of the engine, or is there some way to fix/toggle this?