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Time RiggersView game page

A time-travel puzzle game.
Submitted by CocoMimi Games — 3 days, 6 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Overall Fun#194.2224.222
Controls / UI#523.2223.222
Art / Graphics#553.4443.444

Ranked from 9 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Genre #1


Mystery | Advenure

Rating #2

Family Friendly

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The core gameplay loop here is really unique and I gotta admit the puzzles were a ton of fun. I love the balance of trying to avoid your previous self while still managing to hit all the objectives. The only real feedback I'd give is UI related and frankly very minor. But I think it would be a bit better if the time remaining on the watch was a bit larger/thicker of a number as I often found myself not noticing that I was at 1 and accidentally moving and losing. But overall the game is a ton of fun so really the only things I could say is tiny polishing things like that. Fantastic job!


Thank you Raptorspank for your comment, happy you like the game :-)

I added a flash when only 1 second remains, just for you ;-)

Jam Host

Hello! Welcome to Feedback Quest 7! My name's Hythrain and I'm one of the hosts and one of the streamers for this event! This feedback is being written live as I stream your game! If you're interested in seeing my live reaction, let me know and I can send you a link to the VOD once it's posted to YouTube!

So my normal approach for any game in these events is simple: I get the game, make sure it's not a virus, then play it with as little information on how to play as possible. This way, I can judge how intuitively someone can figure out the game. Only if it's obvious that I need to read more will I do so. I note this so you can get a sense where some of these feedback comes from. In addition, I want to note that feedback and rating are different; don't use this feedback to gauge what I'll rate, nor should you view my rating as entirely indicative of my feedback.

This is quite the interesting puzzle game. I had a lot of fun trying to solve the puzzles, even when I got stuck on the second area. I think a few quality of life improvements would help things out.

1. Add some music to make it not so empty.

2. Instead of needing to click a button to retry, why not rig some keyboard keys into the controls? Maybe R resets the level at any time, while E returns you to the menu?

3. A hint system would also be useful for when players get stuck. Since the moves the player can do is pretty limited, it may be possible to different hints based on the progress the player has made. That way, if a player gets stuck and they just want to finish a level, they can do a hint check and try and figure it out. As for how hints could work, that's up to you.

That's all I got for now. I hope for more!


Dear hythrain,

thank you for your feedback :-)

Yes I would like to see the video when online.

Thanks again ^^

Jam Host

Here's a link to the VOD then.


Thank you, that's nice of you. I just watched it, and I feel like I tortured you with the hard level, sorry for that ^^'

Jam Host(+1)

Never apologize, especially if the torture results in comedy. :D


Man, this is so much fun!
Reminds me a bit of the best parts of Chip's Challenge or Sokoban.

Simple yet addictive. Took me a while to properly understand how to play, but when I did, you totally understood what you meant in the game page. I suppose more people will go thru this "weirdness" phase, but I hope they all come thru and get to enjoy it!

Allow to add one minor nitpick: the pixel scales for the graphics don't match - so you end up with things that are super chunky and things that are very finely pixelated. Most people don't care, but when you match everything, it does look better.

Other than that, congrats - really nicely done.


Thank you Daniel for your nice feedback :-)


Man, this is so much fun!
Reminds me a bit of the best parts of Chip's Challenge or Sokoban.

Simple yet addictive. Took me a while to properly understand how to play, but when I did, you totally understood what you meant in the game page. I suppose more people will go thru this "weirdness" phase, but I hope they all come thru and get to enjoy it!

Allow to add one minor nitpick: the pixel scales for the graphics don't match - so you end up with things that are super chunky and things that are very finely pixelated. Most people don't care, but when you match everything, it does look better.

Other than that, congrats - really nicely done.


OHOHOHO this game is very fun! But it's also TOUGH AUGH!

While the concept of a "record a set of motions and then replay them while you record a new set of motions" puzzle game is not entirely unique, this is the first time I've played one in which your previous recordings are an active hazard, in both a way that makes thematic sense and adds a ton to the gameplay. I found this super enjoyable, and quite challenging (I was only able to clear two levels after the tutorial before my head started to hurt hahaha)

I think the character graphics look very good, but one of my absolute biggest criticisms would be that the distinction between your "current" self and past selves is not super clear. My brain kept assuming that when I'm going back in time I'm returning to the start, when in reality you actually stay in place where you are, so even with the red indicator below your current self letting you know which you is you, I would frequently get tripped up unsure why my motions weren't registering properly. I think my personal recommendation would be to make the past selves more distinct, perhaps with reduced opacity or saturation, something to make it very clear that these guys are not the character you're controlling.

My other main critique would be the UI, which I assume is largely placeholders right now but nevertheless is deserving of criticism. The arial font text, grey blob buttons, and general underwhelming natural of the whole UX does detract a little from this game. It feels to me that when this game is in a more complete state, it would benefit a lot from a real stylish UI to sell the tone and add a premium feel, especially when the character sprites are, once again, very good. This game would also definitely be improved with some music (although there is a chance my computer simply failed to load any music, Itch games on browser take forever to load audio).

All in all this is a very creative puzzle game and one that I think has a ton of potential, especially with a mobile market which I have to assume you intend on catering to thanks to the low price and use of touch controls. If this were on Google Play right now I'd certainly shell out $2-3 for it in a heartbeat! I do think it could also justify a bigger price tag with a more substantial content loop: not just more levels, but more story and biomes to help it feel like more of a "full game", which could definitely justify a more premium price tag. Nevertheless, the game definitely seems to know what it is right now, and it does it very well! Super strong puzzle game you've got here.


Thank you for Sawyer Friend for your detailed and encouraging review :-)