These games still need help with review. Ganbatte everyone, I would like to see everyone get at least 1-2 reviews, 3 would be splendid.
Retro Space Ball RikOclon
Randy & Manilla Ofihombre
Star Shift Rebellion
Psychronic Automatonics (playtest version)
BasicShapes Boomerang Jack - Demo Boomerang Jack
Seed of Pandora: Legend of the Gaia Tree (Demo) Seed of Pandora: Legend of the Gaia Tree Retrolite Andenl
6-Sided Stories - DEMO Zalinius, Darzington
The Rifter HyperStellar Games
The Long Road Home Alpha DThePro
Bitey's quest FeedbackQuest jam aldegator
Melting Encyclopedia [DEMO] Yodak
Swift Swinger playtest butterboygames
DAVE the DUCK HawkStudioGD
Challenge (LARP) "White crow" Ormrin Sinkalte Ged - Sparrowhawk
Underwater Study SnakeWinter
Spacecraft Willie gmilh (edited)
Also giving other people reviews (more than 1) will likely increase your chance of getting more too, gabatte!