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A member registered Nov 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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As a way to encourage the streamers I will be sending cheers/bits/tips to as many people as I can during FeedbackQuest, I just want to share this idea for anyone who might be interested in joining in to do it with me and make it an awesome experience for everyone. 

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Report malware game submissions or malpractices here for investigation and removal to keep everyone safe at the jam.

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My intro: 

I am a female Vtuber streamer, also artist and a new game developer (with my baby who is my stream manager) currently working on my second visual novel RPG title, Cante: The land of hearts. I lead a small development team working with long term teammates and freelancers with my indie studio doing animation, manga and game development. 

I like helping the invisible become visible on all sectors, from indiegame creators to content creators. I am co-host of the streamer/content creator side of things for Indiequesting on this series of events FeedbackQuest. 

Main stream channel (where I will stream FBQ content or work on my own productions):


Youtube archives: (mainly all FBQ features) 


Studio Youtube: (focus on animation) 


Content Creators (streamers or video reviewers) feel free to do a more in depth intro here about yourself and what you do on your channel. 

all votes for the costume slot. :D 

LOL AWESOME. Oh she will ask for this game again soon I am pretty sure. 

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Second play still has not get very far I was trying to speed up too. X_X 

When you are ready to redo the title art I will be here to help with it. As for the beginning of the game, on replay I would have to agree with others try to reduce the info dump on the players at the beginning, like the maniac mode explanation can be called out if the player decide to select it, then hit confirm after message display, rather than before; more info before starting the story the more disengaging it can be. But if info dump is not avoidable as your game is quite deep in the system design, you can spice it up with some personality, like using your Fairy persona to narrative it all to make it fun. The Indiegame advantage is that we don't need to take our projects too seriously, just like how you designed the skills for your characters, explanation can be done with some humor as well. 

I will take another look afterwards and hope to get further in the story. Thanks for your support on my stream as well. 

I probably don't need to mention the bugs, you saw all of it on my stream. :D 

Here's the vod: 

I am more focused on animation/story/and music development as I am from animation practice. I will just comment on a way to make the music more enduring, Stardew valley did that very smartly, he has the bgm play first, switch to ambience track, then switch back to a secondary bgm for the same, looping stages. Each of his stage where players spend a lot of time in, he had 2-3 bgms looping in that cycle, knowing that can possibly help your game as well.

It's a very interesting horror comedy game, certainly one I can recommend to my horror loving friends after you polish it more.  

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It feels very very alpha, but the core game seems pretty enjoyable to me. I had a lot of fun exploring since Open world is my thing, I am also pretty lost most of the time. I had trouble finding what's needed for the first quest, I was struck down by what seems like basic enemies, the tutorials also look like work in progress, as some basic keys wasn't explained and I had to find it... like how to get out of a chair. lol 

I had a blast testing it none the last, best wishes to the development this looks promising.  FYI, my sound got muted by Twitch on this game, to play it safe I had to cut a portion on the archive, it was just me lost at night anyway. Just so you know, the music track you are using might backfire for us streamers due to permission issues.  The track was Celtic Atmosphere -Alexander Nakarada, might be too famous... even if you have permission... Twitch doesn't, YT might give me issues too. X_X Might want to consider commissioning someone. I recommend  https://www.atumsoundworks.com/ for very affordable rate. 

VOD: I started with your game.


LOL yeah we noticed today when she revisited, she's very happy about that. But then asked for the car to be green. XDDDD I think she just really wants a car that can change colors. Upto you if you want to do any updates on that. lol This is a temp VOD until I save the archive with highlight.


Playtime: 02:22:37

Streaming now in a few mins https://twitch.tv/mayshing_vtuber

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The core game loop seems pretty solid, probably needs a bit more variety for depth, I trust that's on the to do list, since it has the name Tycoon, I assume it's going to have an economy system as well for players and earnings.  The whole corn maze premise reminds me of farms and I would like to see more of that in the world.

Definitely looking like a game with good potential once the depth is built into it, look forward to its updates.

VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2095808922

Your game: 32:42

Hythrain's streaming all week this week for FBQ6, starting at 3pm: https://www.twitch.tv/hythrain

I will stream one more session, planning to do so 3/20th in the morning before going back to work.
I will post again prior to stream.  https://www.twitch.tv/mayshing_vtuber

VOD: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2095739404

Your game at 01:09:12

A very neat concept, I enjoy the art style, and the interesting premise, the control is unusual but simple enough to figure out. It's overall a nice mini game, I can't really say the game is addictive, it's a bit too easy to put it down, maybe vary the game loop and add more warning sound effects to create more intensity and risk factor to spice things up.

Overall a very enjoyable retro racing game. I like the stages, my child joined in to play as well it's intuitive enough for her to get a grip. She does have one request, can the player car have blue color? lol

Your game starts at 24:36


Keep my bias in mind, I am not a regular metroidvania player, this one is particularly challenging and frustrating for my skill level. lol 

Overall cute, I wish the bgm was a bit less harsh. The art style, story, character are very likeable. I do have issues telling apart what is what with such low pixel count of this game. Otherwise, great job.  Thanks for stopping by my stream.


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This game is simple and yet surprisingly addicting, overall a pretty interesting experience playing on gamepad. Good sound that added to the experience as well. :D

If attempt for anything commercial, I would add characters into it, even adding eyeballs can help and get players invested. Have fun developing. :D I did have trouble understanding the tutorial images, but I got the game play through playing it. My child jumped in and played too.

Your game comes in at 52:51


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I think even photo manipulated bg and stock food icon for in place graphic until you can commission someone would work too, just throwing this out there. :) Best wishes developing.

 Montreal bagel sounds delicious, thanks for posting the info.

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Preping for signups, launch in Aug: https://itch.io/jam/feedback-quest-7-indiegames-x-indie-streamers

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Streamers, Content Creators, Devs, people who spent the most times to give quality feedback to others will get to claim gifts: 

  • To claim the gifts as content creator/devs please comment here linking to your reviews, content creators must have your archive VODs ready for admins to review.
  • For returning reviewers: If you have unclaimed gifts, comment here with links to the previous reviews from previous FBQs. 
  • For games with limited keys, Diamond Kings/Queens streamers will get first pick for the most effort given.


👑Diamond  Kings/Queens: 

Content creators who reviewed 50+ titles to all games entered. (A key of all games donated at request, first to pick) plus All prizes from Diamond and site long term shoutout. 

💎Diamond Streamers: 

Streamers/content creator who commented and reviewed 20-30 games  - game jam diamond shoutout,   week long twitter shoutout, host invite for next feedback quest, site shoutout. (Claim 3 free game keys) 

🥇Gold streamers

A Content Creator who reached 10-20 games or more go into gold badge. - game jam gold shout out, next game jam and indiequesting  twitter shoutout.  (Claim 1 free game key) 

🥈Silver Feedbacker: 

A Content Creator who sign up and do 1-9 games, silver badge. - current game jam page shoutout. 



To claim the gifts as Devs and regular reviewer:  Review games with high quality review, no need to post archive media of reviews, just comment on entries. Review must have these points: 

🛡 Knight Captain Reviewer: Review every game (1 claim of all games donated at request, second to pick) 

⚔️ Knight Reviewer: Review 20-30 games (2 game keys)

🏆 Gold Reviewer: Review 10-20 games (1 game key)

Game keys donated for streamer reward count

#1 Aerostrike: (side scroller shooter) 8 keys donated. 



#2 Aeon's Past: (Fantasy RPG) 2 keys  donated.

Aeon's Past


#3. Candyland!  (casual strategy) 10 keys donated. 


#4 Dragon's Hoard (third person open world co-op RPG) 8 keys donated.


 #5 Step by Step Hero (adventure exploration) 8 keys donated. 

#6 Waythed 2: (puzzle) 20 keys donated 

#7 Holy Stick: (party game) 4 keys donated. (1 winner to claim for a party, multiplayer only) 

#8 Vlad Voievod Dracula. Episode 1 Manhunt: 1 key donated 

#9Astoria: The Holders of Power Saga: 1 key donated

Submissions that have KS going right now: 



Feel free to ask any questions you have

Feel free to drop by Discord as well: https://discord.com/invite/QxaJZHFzBt

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The Feedback Quest 7 streaming period August 4th- Sept 2nd.

  • Share your streaming schedule to let everyone know when to visit your stream. :D 
  • We now have Streamcord support on our discord for any twitch streamers, other platform streamers need to manually report still. 
  • Sharing your schedule here is encouraged for devs who don't use discord to visit. 
  • we just need to get at least 1 session and 1 game in to fulfill the pledge. 
  • But if you plan to stream as many as possible to claim extra signal boosts, free game keys from the jam, please reporting to Reward Thread.


  • If you can't not schedule ahead, share your stream time RIGHT BEFORE your stream starts and post your LINK.


  • Post your channel link on stream schedule help us find you and support your stream faster.
  • Feel free to change the channel link each time you stream if you have more than 1 channels.
  • Be sure to include Feedbackquest in your stream title.


Streamer rewards: Donated Games and Rankings

Streamers please make sure you report your effort on reward thread to claim your rewards after each stream.

VOD is here w the chat: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2092579060

We are doing potatostrike for real??? XD ok gotta check this update. 

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I'm a regular farm sim lover, but not a regular puzzle player, I did get stuck on stage 2, I missed the hint on the pass over until another dev, Fortunastreet helped remind me so I got a few more levels in before I give up.  As someone who is not a regular puzzle player, I would need more ease in on the level difficulty and more constant hints/reminders to make this game less frustrating so I don't just drop it and play something else. 

Otherwise, love the look, very cozy looking art and music. You can see my struggles here. 

I haven't gotten very far due to the child disraction, but as a fellow renpy dev, applause for how far you have come in using what Renpy can and can't do using it to make turn based RPG instead of just a visual novel. I enjoy the beginning so far. 

Checked Chinese version and event, overall no problem except the word Demo may need a better translation. 

Rather than 演示 (which is closer to "showcase" or "display") it's probably better to translate to 免費試玩版本 

The 12 zodiac event is super cute. 

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My baby and I have been playing this title since the earliest alpha. Now it's version 0.5.122, the depth of the card game has really extended and I like how the cards can be hidden now. The use of the cards has really evolved, also the lag is gone. I also like how the difficulty level is now tied to how many cards you get. 

Overall also enjoy the story/characters, and the music. 

Other viewers were commenting how well this alpha is built. Keep up the good work!

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I saw this title in previous FBQ but did not get to it, this round I started with this game, I think overall it's a pleasant read, it's a pretty ambitious journey to record in such detailed realism of the trip, also appreciate the WIP animated intro, beautiful sprites, nice animation, and the partial voice acting, alot of nicely processed photos, it's a labor of love.  I haven't gotten far into the game but I played a good hour atm. 

We find the need for food icons or crop CG. 

Also I need to know how is Montreal bagel different from other bagels, like... what's on it?  Especially if the visual novel is related to travel, food is a big component in tourist attraction. Also need to have a different cafe backgrounds if she's visiting different cafes, even a stock temp bg would help before the game is finished.  

Caught a typo here: 1:00:58


Please upload a few screenshots and give more info about the game, so we would not think it's possibly a spam/malware submission. 

I will join as streamer. 

np~ Look forward to more great music from you! 

thank you! And thank you for the morale boost!

thank you again for sharing your beautiful music.

thank you for your tireless support! :D

Hythrain streaming now: 


His other scheduled stream time (EST): 

September 10, 2023 5:00 PM for 3 to 5 hours. 

September 11, 2023 6:00 PM for 6 to 8 hours. 

September 12, 2023 10:30 PM for 3 hours.

  September 13, 2023 7:00 PM for 5 to 6 hours. 

September 14, 2023 6:00 PM for 5 to 6 hours. 

September 15, 2023 9:00 PM for 4 to 5 hours. 

September 16, 2023 6:00 PM for 5 to 7 hours. 

September 17, 2023 5:00 PM for 3 to 4 hours. 

September 18, 2023 6:00 PM for 5 to 6 hours. 

September 20, 2023 8:00 PM for 5 to 6 hours. 

September 21, 2023 6:00 PM for 5 to 6 hours. 

September 22, 2023 9:00 PM for 3 hours. 

September 23, 2023 9:00 PM for 4 hours.

yep. these. 👍

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For a free game it is understandable you want to keep the cost under control. I would say if you want more people to play your game however, commissioning for title art, commissioning for key character portraits will be very important,, you can leave the pixel art alone and use default, and use default GUI and everything else, but character icons should be changed.  You can pick an artist that can adapt this style but take it their own way to make it seem less out of the template, people can tell the templates easily because RPG maker is well known, to set yourself apart from other games to stand out you must have customized art.  Another way is have your artist do a template of your own, so you can mix and match yourself, but that might be more expensive than just straight up character portraits, it could help your future games though.

I get that you would want to do everything yourself,  it is the long way, but respectable, if you want to, post your title art on my discord "art leveling" channel and I will give you a very detailed critique. I don't want to do that here since it's very involved and specific.  https://discord.gg/wYKghA7

As for taking further look outside of Fest, probably not at this moment since I am spending most of my current time outside of fest to finish my own game and productions. I will revisit in the future when I have free time to stream indiegames regularly again. 

thank you so much, I am glad you are anticipating it. :) 

Can you at least take a few screenshot of your game and share with us? Without image we are really unsure what kind of game we are looking at.