Best Non-Student Submission (Thanks for joining!)The Shifting Stones Trials
Visual Excellence (This looks dope!)
Back by Day
The Lonely Dragon
Delver's Dilemma
Zero G's Given
Code Champ (Did something really impressive code-wise, be sure to share your work on Discord so the judges are familiar!)
Zero G's Given
Art Champ (Similar to Code Champ, but for art, highlighting feats of artistry during the jam!)
Back By Day (Nice illustrative style!)
Zero G's Given (The huge level, models, and texture work)
Most Time Efficient Visual Style (Not just for cutting corners)
The Lonely Dragon (Voxels, yo)
Early Bird (Awarded for the first "most resolved" submission)
Delver's Dilemma
The Lonely Dragon
Top Reporter (Shared the most updates on Discord)
Zero G's Given (Streaming development constantly)
Ice Cream Mix-Up (So much art!)
The Lost Dragon (Voxels and baby shrek)
Delver's Dilemma (Pixels and lady shrek)
Diversifier (You used one of the diversifiers listed on the GGJ2021 site)
Delver's Dilemma (Spinal Tap, On the safe side)
The Lonely Dragon (On the safe side)
The Shifting Stones Trials (On the safe side)
Un-Unity (You used an engine other than Unreal or Unity!)
The Shifting Stones Trials