Hobbyist game developers, non-commercial projects, and game makers motivated by political utopias have a common problem: They are commonly thrown into the big category of „indie games“ along with countless tech prototypes, low effort productions, but also have to „compete“ with commercial products that have a much higher budget and often a dedicated, professional marketing.
To answer this, I have written a manifesto for underground games. Underground Games are non-commercial. They shun the logic of the markets and question the capitalist system. They attempt to create and use spaces for free creativity. Right now, I'm trying to connect various non-commercial developers and scenes.
Maybe you want to participate? Would you like to use a common channel to exchange with other, non commercial developers and players, and what would you prefer as a software for such a place?
If you are interested, check the full text, including a manifesto for Underground Games and some thoughts about the connections to political activism.