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Looking for artist/writer

A topic by ClassyKraken created 74 days ago Views: 155 Replies: 5
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Hello all!

===The Project===
I'm working on a sort of management game, that I might compare to the Democracy series of games (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1410710/Democracy_4/) , but rather than running a country you're running a company. To fit the theme of the jam, the player will be encouraged to resort to increasingly immoral methods to keep their job. For a very short and incomplete look at what I'm working on, check out this progress video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Drm8FaurzoE. I hope to have a very rough prototype posted on May 1st or shortly thereafter.

I've already identified a teammate that I think is going to do some really great audio work, and have a fair amount of the basic system built out. I'm using Godot 4.2.

I'm horribly inadequately equipped to make it look good and would love to bring an artist onboard. Ideally I'm looking for someone to provide the entire aesthetic of the game, color palate, font, maybe even a logo/title, etc. Additionally I'd love a handful of characters to help really flesh out the game and set the tone.

My plan is for the game to start out fairly innocuous, but get progressively darker while maintaining a very tongue-in-cheek sense of humor through out. I would appreciate a sort of cute/friendly art style with a growing sense of darkness.

High priority:
- 1 prominent character (256x256) with 2+ designs (early neutral design vs later evil design)
- 3+ generic reusable characters (128x128 or 256x256)
- Misc art for backgrounds, menus, etc.

Medium priority:
- more frames for prominent character (various moods, different poses, etc.)
- textures for buttons, labels, etc.
- Branding material (logo, splash, screen, etc.)

No strict guidance on style or type of art.

I'm not necessarily interested in working with just a writer, really looking for a combination artist/writer, but if you  are just a writer and very interested feel free to reach out.

I have a very rough idea for setting and general points of dialogue, but would like to get a feel for the artwork before finalizing any of it. 

1) I need to submit the project by May 23rd. Meaning I'll need the bulk of the art work by May 17th to ensure I can adequately integrate it.
2) I can't guarantee I'll finish the project. I've already made decent progress in 1 week, but May is looking busy for me, and you just never know what's going to happen.
3) I have limited experience with adding artwork to my games, so I may not be able to put out immediately accurate needs.

===Are you interested?===

If you're interested, please send a link to some of your work. Feel free to contact me here or Discord: classykrakenstudios

My only credentials are one of the ugliest, buggiest FPSs you've likely ever seen... https://classykraken.itch.io/berzerk-at-home


That sounds like a cool idea! I'm a writer and am looking for a team if you wanna team up! Here's some of my stuff: https://stevethompson.carrd.co


if you鈥檙e still interested can you message me on Discord?


I'm an artist who would be down! You can find examples of my art here: https://artsy-azure.tumblr.com/

You can also check out a game I've previously done the artwork for, "ORGANS", on my itch profile!


Let's do it! If you can message me on Discord that would be awesome!


Sent a FRQ!