So, I had been creating a game for Zeno Jam 8, which incidentally has a very well working theme for this jam, and have been working on a sequel for it to submit for this jam. Unfortunately, due to a bit of personal issues, mental health and inexperience/overambition (it's only my third game) in the sequel, it is not even half-done, stuck in a very, very "you can see some ideas but there is basically none of the main mechanics implemented"-state, because I got hung up on creating the fundamentals that will be necessary later in the background, as well as some initial stuff to set the feel of the game, in the time that I was able to work on it.
The game I created for Zeno Jam 8 was made almost completely within the time frame of this jam, as they overlapped, and the small update I pushed after that jam period was also within this jam's time frame, of course.
I'd like to still release what I have for the sequel as a rough prototype to present the idea, but I just realised I might just make both games entries for this one - so I can have a "proper" game, as well as a rough concept. Getting an answer before the deadline today would be appreciated of course :D