Just stopping in to say hi!
I'm making a game about a slime and a hook, called Grapnel Slime.
What are you all going to be making?
Best of Luck!
I'm making a top-down in Godot! I'm actually in a physical computing class and got the green light to make a game for my final project, so I'm going to interface it with Arduino and have physical sensors affect the game. I'll make a digital-only version too, of course.
The concept is sensory overload, the game will get faster and harder with how loud/bright the room is!
Bad News In fact i can't work on that RenJS project because i actually have a very little bandwidth
RenJS is about >100MB size
so sorry i'll work on something lighter related with PhaserJS and EasyStarJS
So i'll start with this basic repository that i was working on just before the GameJam https://github.com/reneromain/GitHubGameOff2017