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A jam submission

The ThreeView game page

A game for gamezanga game jam where theme is "illusion".
Submitted by alshirah, noraa — 5 hours, 9 minutes before the deadline

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The Three's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme - استخدام موضوع الزنقة#272.6152.615
Graphics/Visuals - المرئيات/الجرافيكس#342.6152.615
Innovation - الابداع#362.5382.538
Overall - التقييم عام#382.4622.462
Sound - الصوتيات#392.3082.308
Fun Factor - عامل التسلية#432.0002.000

Ranked from 13 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Game Engine Name اسم المحرك:

Team Name, if you have any اسم الفريق ان وجدت
فريق سند SANAD TEAM

Who worked on this game? (Name List) اسماء الذين عملوا على صناعة اللعبة
سلطان زهير
نورة ناصر

Country? الدولة؟

If you used any Game Assets not done by your team, Must be Listed here :
Art by:

Sound effects from:

Accapella is copyrigthed to myself

How to contact you? An E-mail preferred اذكر وسيلة تواصل؟ يفضل بريد الكتروني

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شكراً على المشاركة في زنقة هذا العام

تم التقييم


i actually start by going left but the camera didn't follow so after a while i return to left xD, the story and idea are great. however the control is slow at the start of movement and very fast with time that make hard and annoying.

best regards,

and good luck ^^


ستايل الرسوميات جميل جداً. الفكرة أيضاً جميلة وفيها إحساس بالمسؤولية تجاه الشخصيات. أتمنى لو كانت أطول شوي وفيها تحديات اكثر. بالتوفيق


the game is great! but just with a little more puzzles, more choices, that end of the game would have been perfect!

well done


that was..... quite the weird game i must say.

there was not much about sounds and graphics, but the game was kind of around the theme, and it had a bit off innovation.

however i as a person dislike games where you basically.... have to die, in order to find out what to do next, you could have given indications, added small puzzles, done some things like that. actually given the player a choice whether to sacrifice his friends or not, also the movement could have been worked on.

so its just, not my taste, also, i do admit you caught me by surprise and gave me a good smile, that was good :) you had some out side of the box kind of thinking which is good, it was a one well thoughtout level, maybe if it had more levels and adventures the game would have been a lot better.

last words, the controls and movement where......still in need of massive work.

good job overall i hope to see more of you in Zanga#7