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SolianikoView game page

Solianiko - adventure game with tower defense elements. Learn the profession of a chumak in the times of the Middle Ages
Submitted by Little Funny Souls (@LFSouls), mozokevgen (@mozokevgen) — 1 day, 36 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Audio Design#14.3894.389

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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(1 edit) (+2)

Досить цікава гра, яка якимось чином затягує гравця. =)
З позитивного:
Дуже непоганий візуал, унікальні образі, що добре врізаються в пам'ять та не схожі ні на що з баченого раніше. Взагалі графічна складова досить приємна.
Цікава музика з народними мотивами, добре підходить як ембієнт. Є що послухати, якщо прислухатись, і притому не забиває собою весь простір гри, створюючи гарний фон для проходження.
Стандартна система накопичення потенціалу персонажа, з якою приємно грати.
Сюжет попри свою простоту може зацікавити, і було б цікаво дізнатись як Сольянко Равани виплутається зі світу українскього фентезі.)))
Цікавий підбір ворогів з хорошим балансом та механіками. Я лише не зрозумів, чого ворони вирішили погратись в Хічкока.)))

З негативного:
Сумбурне інтро, для розуміння якого треба дуже постаратись, щоб не втратити лінію подій.
Я розумію що це рогалик і що це і є складність, але час на одну подорож надто короткий, всього 2 хвилини. На мою думку треба переглянути баланс між режимами "подорож" та "оборона".


Overall - the demo is very polished. I did not encounter bugs that prevented me from accessing some parts of the game or hindered the enjoyement. What it now needs is more diverse upgrades, I feel, to create the possibility for player to have their unique playthroughs through the atmosphere


1. The mining of the crystals felt very good and crunchy

2. Intro, art and the story hook are very solid

3. The process of exploration is enjoyable, but the battery management feel incredibly limiting. Some of the times I died a few paces from the exit, without any opportunity to mitigate this. In such way cool events like falling somewhere deep actually create a feeling of "oh no, my run is over" - which can be cool if the player has some way to actually mitigate the challenge

4. When Solinyako walks in the mines, his sprite shifts phazes from side to side (like vibrating), which washes away the image a bit, creating a weird distraction

5. The shooting is fun, although when I was playing in a browser, I felt like the sensitivity was very slow


The atmosphere is immaculate! I love the vibes of this demo, it's just so nice and the graphics just accentuate everything. It really all flows together nicely, and it feels like you tried to make all the elements just fit into the game idea, which is great design.

Playing it was also just very fun. The gameplay loop keeps you engaged, and provides things to strive for. Though it was a bit too easy at times, I didn't really feel at any point that I was in danger of losing, even if there were multiple enemies attacking my camp. Moving through the mines also didn't feel like a challenge, just destroying one rock and manoeuvring to the salt or other crystals was very easy. Exploring felt nice, I was hoping to find more actually, I was very happy when I found the cat :d A shame I didn't notice any way to use its assistance, but it may obviously be not implemented yet. 

A weird thing in the mines was that there was a bunch of blue crystals, but I didn't see any way to use them? Perhaps just adding some blue crystal costs to available upgrades would be nice, as after noticing their lack, I didn't feel any need to loot them. 

In terms of shooting part of the game, it's very nice and snappy. Some feedbacks are that birds are really annoying, but it may be intended :) Also the bees felt weird, because after shooting them down, I tried to aim for the beehive still, but it didn't register as a hit, even though when they got damaged the beehive also flashed red, so I assumed it's still a part of them. 

I also found some small bug, because while moving forward against a rock column in the mines, the Solianiko would disappear behind it :d

Overall though, amazing job! It really feels like an actual demo for a fully polished title, and a title I'd very gladly play at that. The graphics and animations as well as audio just make for a very flavourful experience. I can't wait to play more of it, when you release more content. Great job and good luck!


The medieval setting is really cool and detailed


Really cool game! Waiting for mobile version!

(1 edit) (+2)

Nice game concept with some nostalgic vibes. Sometimes feels unnecessary hard, like, player probably wont make it through second night if he don't upgrade gun; also it's barely enough battery to go to the depths and back, and player feels too slow. Also, would be good to have possibility to reload manually. Nevertheless I completed it after third try. Interesting concept, I bet with some finetuning, new cool upgrades like for battery and walking speed and new adventures it can be good game.