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A member registered Mar 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Overall - I feel like its my favorite, to be honest. The very good core is here, what the game really needs is an interesting level design to back it up with exploration and optional rewards


1. The lighting kills nice visuals a bit. I often struggle with connecting to the top-down perspective and this one is similar (though I really like the artstyle

2. The combat feels great and packs a punch. But I've had a problem with my first attack knocking back enemies which led to my inability to continue the combo. The shielding also is in need of more feedback both vfx and in terms of sound

3.  The character lacks range a bit, which leads to some frustrating moments, where you think you can hit an enemy, but in reality - you dont

4. Enemies being able to attack one another is great (even if unintentional) idea. In big fights it really helped me to align enemies so they started punching each other. Tho, it trivialized fights with a big guys (for example, big ladybug and its cohort)

5. I always wanted to use E ability, as it was presented in the UI as a signature move, but its usage was limited to a specific moments

6. The totem (model+vfx+animation+sound) is great. The point that you do not auto-heal when activate one is a bit counter-intuitive


1. After cleansing one of the enemies mid-combat, the music changed to a peaceful bit for a time, which killed the vibe of the combat a bit

Overall -  despite obvious issues I did enjoy the demo and played it a couple times. It desperately needs polish, but the cool core is here


1. As far as I understood, the arrow should target the actual mesh of the target to score a hit, which create very unintuitive shooting instead of creating a vibe of the hunter

2. The idea of crafting arrows in the battle is not new, but it could be very cool. Just so now the arrows are basically the same, but have a different damage number? Which is still not enough to distinguish them, so I crafted whatever I've had resources for

3. The dodge is too small for my liking, feeling like it did not matter if I executed it or not


1. The most game-breaking for me was the inability to do something if I shot all my arrows and used all the resources on the level, which is a shame

Overall - the demo is very polished. I did not encounter bugs that prevented me from accessing some parts of the game or hindered the enjoyement. What it now needs is more diverse upgrades, I feel, to create the possibility for player to have their unique playthroughs through the atmosphere


1. The mining of the crystals felt very good and crunchy

2. Intro, art and the story hook are very solid

3. The process of exploration is enjoyable, but the battery management feel incredibly limiting. Some of the times I died a few paces from the exit, without any opportunity to mitigate this. In such way cool events like falling somewhere deep actually create a feeling of "oh no, my run is over" - which can be cool if the player has some way to actually mitigate the challenge

4. When Solinyako walks in the mines, his sprite shifts phazes from side to side (like vibrating), which washes away the image a bit, creating a weird distraction

5. The shooting is fun, although when I was playing in a browser, I felt like the sensitivity was very slow

Overall - I want to play it till the end. The art and sound design are great, the gameplay shows some solid core. Right now I'm not good enough to beat the challenge provided though


1. Music is spot on. The cool addition later would be that birn chirping would align with the rock beats. The art and the impact sound are great and meaty

2. Sometimes Red does a leg attack, kicking boxes/enemies (maybe when she lands?). I felt like it needs to be a bit more prominent, becuase it is easy to miss and feels like an attack animation did not come through in a heat of action. Later I've found that it looks very cool if triggered when Red is moving, but if triggered in a standing position, the animation gets kind of lost

3. Platforms that crumble beneath you are hard to distinguish for me, but I felt very enjoyable reacting to them + the generous in-air control of Red allowed me for some mistakes, so overall I like this element

4. I really wanted to have downward attack when airborne. Landing on enemies that really wanted to get underneath me (some of the bugs) felt very weird for the power fantasy

5. When I hit enemies, the game went into slow-mo for a some attacks. As I discerned later, it was an indication of me getting hit (and not the enemies), which did feel a bit strange. With all forward momentum that you are trying to generate it felt like the attacks and damage reactions were born to have some sort of pushing? I felt like I want to propell Red forward, but couldn't, because every attack stopped me in my tracks

6. Holding some button to fast forward or skip dialogue (especially when replaying sections) would be cool

7. It felt like with every death, the rage meter was feelling up faster and faster. After my 6th death, I was gaining full rage by one hit and subsequently dying from the slightest breeze. Which actually forced me to abandon my fast and rageful style and play very defensively and carefully, judjing every jump and hit. After restart, the meter worked well once again. Felt like a bug, because I enjoyed the default and was very quickly dying from snowballing fury damage every death

8. I started dying very often because of compounding fury damage - which if it is a bug, I would very much like to replay the demo after the fix, because it has the animalistic feeling I come to Doom for


1. Being in this pause menu does not stop the meters from draining. It actually does not pause the game at all xd and enemeis can still kill you

2. Interaction with Cat where it asked me to bonk it on the head can happen when you miss the jump to its platform. Its kinda funny tho

3. After dying, the music track doubled and overlapped oO (after 10 death, it was a doom metal)

4. After interaction with the Cat about the rage and cookies, the cat sometimes does not dissapear

5. It is possible to go into -6 cookies? Cookie debt oO (I had ~3 cookies and started to eat)

6. Rage meter compounding speed with every death, which eventually stopped me from finishing

Beautiful and cozy

Loved it!

Breathtaking. I don't even noticed how deeply I was hooked in the story, until I realised how long I was sitting, listeting to this beautiful tune...

Thank you for a nice ride! I've had a lot of fun. Loved the graphical style and animations + pretty nice side-quest. Overall - your work is amazing! 

The only issue I've had - the game was running in a small window for some reason. But it was as playing on the GameBoy, so I completed it anyway:)

Found a lot of missing last letters in some words + some minor grammar mistakes. I think you should rewrite the dialog options to be in one particular style - they are a bit messy.

But I liked the story a lot. The general idea is great and I loved your structure. Definitely want to try Ink now!:)