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A jam submission

Rocket JumpView game page

Made in a weekend for the Gamedev TV gamejam. Tried to make music, failed.
Submitted by LawroraBorealis — 16 hours, 37 minutes before the deadline

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Ranked from 5 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Font: Dogica Pixel, license included (Open Font License)

Link to your source?
It's a zip on the download page. Godot 3.4 project folder.

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Nice little game. Interesting incorporation of theme into the game. I think I failed most of the level :-)


i like it. it's like angry bird but also fit with theme. nice work!

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi! Just played your game and it was surprisingly fun for such a simple concept! Here is a few more detailed comments:

  • At first I didn't realize how the game fit the theme but then I realized that the character dies when shoot the rocket and then it made sense. Actually, pretty creative way to incorporate the theme! I wouldn't have thought this kind of game.
  • The challenges are fun: different enough to give variety of challenge but similar enough to form a cohesive game. For a game jam game 8 levels is enough so no need to feel bad about running out of ideas. And it's better to have 8 good levels than 100 levels with 90 of them being bad.
  • One game design decision that I'm wondering about is why did you decide to make the levels playable in random order? Firstly, I believe some of the levels were clearly more difficult than others and in my opinion it would have made more sense to have linear progression. Then you could have introduced challenges in certain order so the player first learns the simple gameplay concept and then the variation are introduced later. First two levels could be about the getting cross the line, then the targets should be introduced and at last the hoops. Instead of having the streak concept, you could then just compete on whether you manage to beat all the levels in order. With randomness the other problem is as you mentioned that it might not really look like random. For example it many times happened to me that I had to play the exact same level two times in a row which was not so interesting.
  • Graphics of the game are nice. Especially the character movement after dying and hitting stuff was fun to look at. There aren't a lot of sound effects but the shooting sound is good also.
  • The biggest issue that I had with the game was that it felt like that the character launch direction was sometimes a bit different compared to the direction of the gun. The launch direction should probably be exactly the opposite direction than the gun direction to make sense. That would also make it a bit easier for the player to aim, which would be a good thing.

Overall, nice game: easy to start playing and fun to play.

PS. My highest streak was 3...

Please consider trying out my game if you have time at some point. I would like to hear your opinions on that.


The random order was mostly because after I made a few levels, it kinda gave me wario ware vibes. It would probably have made more sense with more levels, or with more mechanics (I did have a few ideas, like an air current, or a secondary explosion, but ran out of time to implement new mechanics).

I probably should have made it so that it re-rolled the RNG value if it was the same as the previous roll, but I didn't consider that at the time. I'm also not great at math and angles, so a lot of the physics force stuff was sort of estimated.

But thank you for the incredibly detailed feedback! I'll take some time tomorrow to check out your game!